Chapter 15. Destruction of the Aranea Sect

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Outside the sect…
A large grey gravestone was neatly erected next to a purple grand willow tree in a large field that had a perfect view of the Aranea Sect. And next to the gravestone, a boy and girl were both standing on their knees as they both said their final words.
"Uncle Nate, I'm sorry that you had to die because of me, please find peace," said Aurora as she once again started crying on her knees as countless tears dripped from her face.
"I never thought that this sect would go to the point where they would kill innocent people. Why did they kill him? There's so much that I need to know about this world. Uncle Nate, your death will be not in vain, I will get revenge for you. I decided to bury you here so that you can have a view of this sect destroying this sect. Forgive me for not being there earlier to protect you," Leo spoke in a downcast tone to the gravestone.
"Let's go, Aurie," said Leo as he stood up and lifted Aurora up as well. Knowing that crying was not going to solve anything, she looked back at Leo and nodded as they made their way back to the sect.
And about five minutes later, they once again arrived upon the same gate with the same banner and the same guards.
"Halt! Show us your identity! Trespassers are not permitted! You kids cannot come here!" said one of the guards as he approached to stop them with the intention of scaring them.
However, his words were completely ignored as Leo did not back off, instead, he struck a fist towards the banner with the Aranea Sect written on it. Immediately a dark red bloody devilish aura appeared again on Leo's body and as he punched the intent shot out striking the banner and splitting it in two as a huge shockwave was released, scaring and sending every guard retreating back a dozen steps or so.
"I have an appointment with your sect master and his delusional idiot son, begone. Today the Aranea Sect will be destroyed, you all have done nothing bad and I have no grudges towards you and I have no intention of killing unnecessarily. So please point me towards the young master's house and leave," said Leo as he spoke quite nonchalantly while Aurora had a serious face as she tried to give them her best 'we were not messing about' expression.
The guards were shivering with fear and shock as they were in no room to reply or argue their leader couldn't help but slowly pointed towards a large palace in the middle of the sect.
"The young master lives in the sect master's palace. He is most likely there," he shakily replied.
"Thanks," said Leo as he smiled towards the guards and left with Aurora as they sped through the sect's busy streets heading straight for the palace.
The sect master's palace stood up the highest peak of the tallest hill in the sect, it was a truly grand sight as it enveloped the whole peak of the hill. A large palace of red and black which was surrounded by a large green garden. It if was in the morning or afternoon then this would be an absolutely beautiful sight to witness but it was to be destroyed by two children.
As they arrived at the entrance of the large palace, they were immediately greeted by gathering guards which were quickly scared off by Leo's killing intent and they quickly made their way into the main hall.
As Leo slowly pushed the doors open, a foul stench of fresh blood filled the scene as they were greeted by the sight of fresh dead bloodied bodies of the village adults and the kids that were piled up on the cold black marble floor.
Seeing this, Aurora immediately let out a scream of pain and guilt as she ran forward to the dead villagers' bodies and started crying, not wanting to believe what had occurred.
"This can't be! Wake up! All of you! Please!" she screamed loudly.
"Haha, I heard that you guys left the sect but it seems like you were stupid enough to come back. Well, this saves me the trouble of finding you," Spindra's annoying voice sounded out from another end of the hall.
Aurora remained down on her knees as the blood of the villager began drenching her legs and looked at him with her reddened griefed eyes, and painfully asked "Why? Why did you need to do this? They were all innocent people!"
Hearing this Spindra's face twitched as an annoyed look appeared on his average-looking face, he quickly recovered and let out an evil laugh and haughtily replied "Because I am a prestigious sect's son while you are a nobody, a useless villager. Why can I not do this? You guys rejected my invitation. No one rejects me and gets away with it. Lucky for me, you guys are useless, weak villagers so there are no repercussions so why I shouldn't have killed them?"
"I see," said Aurora suddenly stood up with rage overflowing around her as a vague red killing intent appeared around her. She blankly looked back at Leo and sweetly said, "Leo, can you start the art? You only need to help me enable mine. I want to take care of him, can you bury the villagers here right now while I deal with him?"
"Ok. Don't push yourself too hard. He's not worth that much strength. Tell me if you need help though. I sense a dozen or more so cultivators hiding around," whispered Leo as he started walking next to the pile of villagers and moved his hand as he made a bunch of hand signs then warmly nodding towards Aurora as he started digging the palace floor with his hands.
"Don't you dare scar the palace floor with your filthy hands, peasant!" shouted Spindra as angrily he charged towards Leo but he was blocked by Aurora who had also begun making hand signs.
"A mere five-year-old child, who kind of art could you possibly execute?" Spindra mocked with an annoying laugh, and as he was about to continue mocking, Aurora's hand seals were completed, and a large heavy aura filled the hall as a bright purple flame appeared from next to Aurora, completely silencing Spindra. The flame slowly started spinning around her and slowly got bigger and a faint outline on a phoenix appeared in the air above her.
The brilliant flaming purple aura of this phoenix appeared to outshine everything and suddenly the black palace walls started crumbling and the marble ceiling came down and an extremely beautiful pure purple fire phoenix broke through the roof of the massive palace as it gracefully flew across the skies as it left a trail of cool purple fire.
Meanwhile, Spindra was shocked to the core, the energy being released enough to fatally injure him if it was directed at him.
'What is this? How can a little girl who hasn't started cultivation be this strong?' he thought as fear and worry filled his head. Having grown up with no hardships and living spoilt, this scene of complete powerlessness caused his mind to completely breakdown as a wet patch appeared on his pants in the space between his pants.
"Hey, Spindra. How does it feel? Can you really do anything in this world? Am I really a useless, weak villager? Do you now realize the stupidity behind your words?" Aurora's voice rang out as the phoenix descended and stopped next to her, looking straight at Spindra.
"Wh-wh-Who are you?" said Spindra shakily as he was full of fear.
"I am Aurora Wellbloom, the daughter of the Nado village elder. But in your words, I am a weak little useless villager," Aurora angrily spoke as the killing intent in her body was more visible compared to before.
"Miss, forgive me. I have done wrong. I have failed to realize my wrongdoings," Spindra stumbled on his words as he panicked.
"I would have forgiven you if all the villagers were still alive. As the village elder's daughter, it is my job to protect these villagers but you killed them. It is my responsibility to take revenge so that their souls may be laid to rest peacefully," Aurora mercilessly spoke, looking like a little child of flames. She then pointed at Spindra and the purple flame phoenix started charging straight towards Spindra as he stood there scared out of his wits.
Suddenly a phantom image of a spider appeared as it directly clashed with the phoenix.
As the phoenix clashed with it, it made a deafening huge explosion with dust flying everywhere.
"How dare someone try to kill my son, in my own sect as well!" an old voice roared out and as the dust cleared, an aged man about fifty years old appeared standing next to Spindra who was currently covering his head with his hands in fear, and behind him were a bunch of elders of the sect who were all wearing a half black half red robe.
"Father!" said Spindra happily as he opened his eye to see that he wasn't dead, he immediately ran towards the man. But his advance was rejected as he was met with a huge resoundingly loud slap across his face forming a huge handprint.
"Idiotic son! Do you how much it cost to set up this palace? Now I have to get a new one!" roared the Sect Leader angrily as he scolded him. The Sect Leader turned towards the other side and saw there were only two kids, Aurora who was intently looking at them and Leo who seemed to be burying some dead bodies, nevertheless kids of their age were too weak to cause this much damage. This left him confused as he curiously asked his son, "What happened here? Why are there two kids? Who destroyed my palace and almost took your life?"
"It was her, dad! She's stronger than she looks! She was the one who summoned the phoenix!" Spindra answered as he pointed towards Aurora and an arrogant expression once again appeared on his face.
"Wha-What? How is that possible? A small kid like her couldn't possibly have the power to do that?" The Sect Leader spoke in surprise, he then realized that the identity of these two kids could not be so simple so he slowly turned towards Aurora and simply apologized, "You must be the girl that Spindra had wanted from before. Please spare my son for his stupidity. I shall make sure he learns his lesson and is better disciplined next time."
"Tch. Well… We could have forgiven him if he had not killed anyone from our village. But since he did, I'm afraid that he will have to die by her hand," Leo's calm unphased voice rang out as he walked forward by Aurora's side.
Hearing him, Aurora turned back and asked if the villagers had been buried. Leo nodded his head and stood right beside Aurora as they calmly faced off the Sect Leader, Spindra, and the elders.
"Sect Leader, your son has recklessly made a choice that went too far. I have no conflict with the sect but I do have it with the elders that participated in the killing of those villagers. Please, hand them over along with Spindra right now and the whole sect can be spared. Otherwise, this may not end well for you. I am asking this only once. Please choose wisely. I would prefer not to take unnecessary lives or even worse, wipe out this sect. Your cultivation of emission realm will not change anything," Leo slowly spoke out as he seemed unintimidated by the massive disadvantage in numbers.
"Haha! Wow! You can see my cultivation, you've got guts kid. I don't know who you have as your backing but this is the Aranea Sect and I am the sect leader, I cannot simply hand over the people you want, it would tarnish the reputation of the sect," replied the Sect Leader as he was trying to solve this peacefully as the opponent's strength was unknown.
"Then we will have to ask you to disband your sect and hand over your son," Aurora coldly spoke out.
"Bullsh*t, what right do you have to prove that you can destroy my sect," The Sect Leader roared in frustration as it seemed like the negotiations were going nowhere.
"Ok, then we're tired of negotiating, you brought this upon yourself, time's up," Leo lazily spoke as he and Aurora started making hand signs as energy gathered slowly around them.
"Dad, watch out, this was how she formed the phoenix earlier," Spindra warned as he subconsciously retreated a dozen steps.
As they finished their hand seals, immediately a heavenly aura descended on the sect as the previously dark skies lit up with a bright pure purple and dark ghostly red flame that slowly fell taking the shape of an all-powerful majestic dark red dragon and a beautiful serene purple phoenix.
"What the heck is this?! This is so much more powerful compared to the phoenix from earlier how is this possible?! The phoenix from before had the strength of a peak gathering but now it has a strength that is on par with me!" The Sect Leader shouted as a bewildered expression appeared on his face.
If these two beasts attacks then compared to the previous attack by Aurora, it would be like comparing strength between a young adult and a child.
The dark red dragon slowly fell and landed right next to Leo while the pure purple phoenix flew and gracefully landed next to Aurora.
"Any last words fellow elders and Sect Leader?" asked Leo as he prepared to attack.
"Sir, please forgive us, I will-"
But before the Sect Leader finished what he was going to say, Leo and the phoenix attacked straight at them with their scorching flames. Without even having a chance to scream or shout in pain, they were burnt into nothingness by the pure scorching flames of both creatures.
"Rage on! Dragon and phoenix! Lay waste to this sect! Attack only the houses!" Aurora and Leo shouted and the dragon and phoenix responded with a roar and a skree as they began flying around the sect territory while laying waste to the whole sect.
"Uncle Wilson, Uncle Nate, and the others, we have avenged you today. Now, you guys can rest in peace, I hope that you can find in your selves the ability to forgive us for not saving you guys in time" both said in unison as they looked up at the sky and said their prayers.
After saying this, they both took the bodies of the elders and the sect leader and hung them up in the palace ground with a message on the remaining wall that said "the Aranea Sect has been disbanded."
"What should we do now, Leo?" asked Aurora as she was now lost.
'We have now taken revenge for the villager but now what do we do?' she thought confusedly.
"Well, I've always wanted to visit their library and Arts hall so we should go and check them out," replied Leo, "Oo, let's go and also raid their treasury as well."

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