Chapter 2. Re-birth

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In the Black realm, there are over a hundred empires, however, we focus upon a specific empire called the crystal empire, and within it lies a poor kingdom called the Lapis kingdom, and in the most isolated area of the kingdom, lies the small village of Meno.

It is the only sign of civilization within a radius of 500 kilometres. This small humble settlement is home to about a small seventy villagers, although there are not many they all knew each other and treated each other with kindness. It was literally the perfect place for people who longed for peace and just a simple life. It was located on a beautiful green plain surrounded by a large dense thick forest whose's greenery was constantly nourished by a wide healthy crystal clear river. The riverbanks were filled with crop plots and on each one area was a farmer with their trusty rusty metal sickle and they were calm yet happily harvesting their crops that had just recently yielded fruit. And as we focus our attention on the village, the scene inside the village was busy. Although it was just a village, the community inside was flourishing with life. The houses were made of thick yellow thatched roofs and strong dark oak wooden walls. It was primitive as ever. Mothers could be seen in their homes cooking lunch for their husbands who would come home from work for a break, the fresh delicious aroma of delicious dishes escaped out the opened creaky wooden windows, causing some pedestrians to salivate from hunger. The undeveloped dusty dirt streets were filled with the noise of the delighted and innocent laughs of children who were playing together as they energetically chased each other in circles.

At the edge of the village was a small two-story dark wooden house that was particularly quiet today. Inside one of the two rooms on the top floor, a beautiful woman laid on her simple animal clothed bed, and beside her stood a tall brave-looking man with red hair who had has grasped her hand.

"Ava, you can do it! Keep pushing!" he motivated her as he worried about his wife.

"Hah!! I'm trying my best, Reon!" Ava replied with great pain and difficulty as she placed her free hand on her bulged belly. "This little guy doesn't want to come out yet," she joked. Reon moved his head towards her belly and tried to motivate the baby inside, "Come on little guy, one more push!"

'Warmth... Wow, this is so comfortable... So this is what it's like to be in my mother's womb. This is so comfortable. I could stay here forever.'

Suddenly, Leonidas felt a force pushing as he suddenly felt his body being moved. "What the heck is going on?" Leonidas complained. Having his rest disrupted by this force had annoyed him quite a bit but just as he planned to push back, he realized the truth about the situation.

'Haha. I see. Today is that fateful day. Here I come.'

Leonidas stopped opposing this pushing action and tried his best to support the force and a few minutes later, a new infant life was officially born into this world.

A new legend would be created. A legend that would shake not just this realm, a legend that would intimidate even gods.

A little newborn baby wrapped in a simple white cloth laid in the thin smooth arms of a beautiful lady whose face was filled with a mother's smile, full of love and happiness, as she lovingly stared at the tiny infant. A pair of pale eyelids slowly force open the infant's eyes and revealed two pure, clear golden eyes that calmly observed the scene. The two enchanting eyes slowly darted across the warm wooden room and then rested on the beautiful lady and the handsome man.

'They must be my mum and dad. They seem so happy. Phew, I'm glad that I was born without causing any problems. My mother looks healthy,' thought Leonidas.

"Reon, I want our boy to be named Leon." Ava softly spoke as she looked at Reon with her enchanting eyes.

"Haha. Leon Areia, I like it," said Reon approvingly as he haughtily laughed, "Oh, he seems to be asleep again, let's let you two rest. Don't worry Ava. Tonight, dinner's on me!"

"Hush, you'll wake him," said Ava in a quiet scolding tone. But then she glanced at the baby and then back at Reon and smiled sweetly and softly said, "Thanks..."

"Haha... I would be an idiot to not celebrate my son's birth. Look at him, he will definitely not be a normal man. I thank the heavens for giving me such a blessed son." the man softly replied and as soon as he got outside unable to hide his happiness he gave off a happy shout while thanking the heavens.

While the outside was celebrating, Leon was quietly lying in rest sleeping, seemingly lost in comfort from the warm embracing arms of his mother.

However, his sleep was suddenly interrupted as he suddenly discovered an empty black space out of nowhere.

'What is this place? How did I get here'

Leo tried to move forward and found that he was able to walk.

'strange... Is this a dream? How am I, a newborn, able to instantly walk here?'

As he walked forward, he found a piece of paper on the ground with 'For Leon Areia' written on it's front. He slowly picked up the brown note and read it;

Child, sorry that I didn't have time to tell you personally so I left you this note. Ok so regards to your first wish, I have had to seal your strength as a toddler's body will be unable to handle the power but don't worry, thanks to this space you will be able to unseal your strength slowly. Secondly, your killing aura must be controlled. You are quietly releasing it even now as a newborn so I will need you to learn to control it slowly. As you grow old, it will constantly grow stronger, if you don't manage to control it to a certain level then you will suddenly lose control and unleash it upon the area that you reside in. You must also keep your feelings calm, sudden trauma can cause you to lose control. Beware of that and also each person you kill will shorten the time you have to control it. Also, you will have to go through killing intent tribulations as long as you have the Heaven's wrath disease. I cannot tell when it will happen as it is completely random so be careful. Thirdly, the final curse, you are cursed with a disease called Heaven's wrath disease. Other than that I cannot tell you more about it other than two things. You must find a cure for this or you will only live until 50. But don't worry, this world has information on it. You must explore the world and find out the items needed to cure this disease. It will be fun!

And finally, this place you are in is called your mind space. You can enter here whenever you close your eyes. But your body is still outside, it is just your mind that is here. I have decided to place a grand mansion in this space that will help you on your journeys. It will take a while to form but I suggest you go explore it as soon as it is built. That's all I have to say.

I have also made it so that you must also start cultivation to regain your whole strength.

Good luck,


After reading that Leon's face scrunched up in anger as he realized that he had been slightly tricked.

'That cheeky old man' Leon laughed. However, he quickly recovered realizing that it would be no fun if he did not have to work to get his power.

He then began to look around him and slowly an almost transparent image of a gigantic mansion appeared in the empty space.

However before he could explore more of this space, a sudden headache attacked him.

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