Chapter 33. Seven pink-grade affinities

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"Huh? Isn't it the Decan clan's turn. How did a girl with a different surname get a turn? And it right after the clan head's son as well,"

"What's going on? Did the officiators get a name mixed up?"

Whispers of confusion sounded among the crowd as they sat there clueless about the situation.

The crowd was left in confusion as they couldn't find an answer.

"Wellbloom... There's no clan in Sapphire city called Wellbloom."

As the crowd grew more confused, the Decan clan head stood up from his chair and walked to the edge and looked down at the arena and the spectators.

Seeing the scene get really hectic, the Decan clan head stood up, and the crowd immediately quietened down as Aron was someone that they could not afford to offend.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can understand that you are very confused about this situation," said the clan head in a relaxed unhurried tone as he continued, "the officiators have not made a mistake, the next two children are supposed to be in this test. Please quiet down. They are added to this test because the grand elder of the Decan clan said so. Please continue," Aron signaled for the Migi and Eren to continue.

"Ahem!" Alfred let out a light but loud cough to gain the crowds' attention, after seeing most of the heads slowly pan towards him, he stood up and loudly declared, "this is no mistake. I have personally asked the officiators to add these names."


"Did you just hear that?! The grand elder of the Decan clan just spoke up for them!"

"What is their relationship with the elder?"

Exclamations of amazement and disbelief appeared from the crowds as they became even more curious about Aurora's identity.

"This is my adopted granddaughter, Aurora Wellbloom. And after her name is called, my blood grandson will come up, Leon Areia," Alfred loudly announced.

Hearing this, the crowd had gone completely bonkers as countless thoughts filled their minds.

"QUIET!" Migi shouted, instigating authority and silence back on to the arena and the whole arena began eagerly waiting for this so-called 'Aurora.'

Meanwhile, Aurora was still sitting down on the arena, her hands tightly gripping her shirt nervously as she suddenly recognized the attention that would be fixed on her if she did walkout.

"Are you sure I should be going up?" Aurora asked nervously as she felt the pressure of all eyes that would be on her if she stood up.

"Yep, go and make that Wallace regret making that deal with you," Leo replied with a warm and confident smile.

Receiving Leo's approval, Aurora calmly walked out to the crystal and took a deep breath as she slowly proceeded to place her dainty white hands on the crystal.

Another deadly suspense eerily descended as everyone's butt tightly clenched as they stare Aurora in extreme anticipation.

A few seconds passed and immediately the crystal shone with an extremely blinding light and as it dimmed down slightly, a beautiful chaotic scenery appeared on the crystal. A large completely pink world appeared, a tall temple surrounded by a ball of fire and a tornado as musical sounds resonated from the ground, and on the sky was a large rain cloud as rain and lightning fell from the skies along with a beautiful snowstorm.

"What is heck is this!? Why is the whole thing pink!?"

"What are we even seeing!? There are six affinities there-no, wait- I see snow as well!"

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