Chapter 24. Core disciple Eupheme Horus

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The man walked to the table and turned back towards Leo and laid his hand out instructing them to take a seat, "Please sit down," he respectfully spoke.

Leo and Aurora did not wait at all and immediately went sat down on the hard wooden seats. Once the man saw that Leo and Aurora had sat down, he also pulled his chair back and sat down.

"Why don't I get straight down to business? I am Eupheme Horus," the man quickly spoke as he introduced himself, not letting an awkward silence appear.

"I see. Are you a member of the Weaver clan?" Leo casually replied as he looked around the room first.

"No, I'm just working for them, what about you guys?" Eupheme replied.

"Interesting, what sect are you from?" Leo immediately asked, not giving a chance for Euphere to ask yet.

"How did know?" the man asked in a slightly surprised tone.

"I could tell because your aura is very sharp and controlled, unlike other people who just let it free. And from your age, I am sure no one will have the same cultivation as you here in the city," Leo explained.

"Interesting... I am from the Iudex sect, have you heard of it before?" Eupheme asked, not expecting Leo to know about the sect.

"Yes, I think I have heard of it before," Leo responded after a long pause as he recalled countless reads at the village library. He remembered reading a certain book last year in his village library, it was titled 'The War the shook the world.' And the book was the story of a gigantic earth-shaking war the happened about a thousand years ago in this continent and in that particular story was the mention of a sect that changed the tides of the battle at the very end when the side of the crystal empire was about to lose. It was said that the sect was led by a female leader who wielded a large holy sword and she charged forward to help the crystal empire to defeat the opposing legendary Zorus Empire. The book ended with the disappearance of the leader and her sect disciples who all disappeared after winning the battle.

"I'm quite surprised that you have heard about us," Eupheme surprisedly replied as his eyes brows slightly shot up. 'Does this boy really know about us?'

"Hehe, I've read about you guys in a book. It's really interesting that your sect would be going on till now," Leo slightly laughed.

"Who are you?" the man was now on alert as he confirmed that Leo did indeed know about his sect.

"Haha, you are very careless to just expose such information. So you are really apart of the sect that fought in the legendary battle?" Leo excitedly asked as a glimmer of excitement shot up in his eyes.

"Who are you?" the man now coldly asked as he reached to grab his blade.

"Woa woa woa! Wait a minute, there's no need for that!" Leo spoke as he put up his hands in the air. "Sigh, I suppose we need an introduction now as well."

Leo signed and then began to introduce his group, "I am Leon Areia, this is Aurora Wellbloom and the baby that she is carrying is my little brother, Lexus Areia. We are villagers from Meno, a small village that lies on the southern border."

Hearing Leo's introduction, Eupheme was left in confusion and he began to think if Leo was lying.

"Which sect do your parents belong to?" Eupheme asked curiously.

"My parent do not belong to any sect, they were also villagers," Leo answered with a smile.

"Who taught you cultivation then?" Eupheme then asked carefully.

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