san didn't noticed so he kept walking. "i just thought that the old lady needed help so i helped. that was all that there's to it. huh? wooyoung?" he paused and then looked back. "why are you standing there? is there something wrong?"

"just who the hell exactly are you choi san?"

turning around, san laughed while smiling brightly. "what are you talking about?~ i'm just-"


the next thing i knew was he's on the ground, blood oozing out of his neck. everybody was screaming and running. everything is already a complete chaos out here but

but why is my hearing muffled? why is my vision blurry? why i can't move? move wooyoung!

in shock, i stood there watching san on lay on the ground, gripping on his wound to stop the bleeding.

a man grabbed my shoulders and yelled. "what are you doing?! get out of here it's dangerous!"

finally snapping out of it, i blinked my eyes a multiple times and tried to catch some breath. taking out my police badge, i said. "i'm a police. please go get to somewhere safe."

dropping the shopping bags, i ran to san. "san-ah... san-ah!!!" i yelled, tapping his cheeks. he's about to lose consciousness with the amount of blood he lost. his eyes are half-way open and his breathing's slow.

san chuckled weakly and winked. "shh... i'm not as weak as you think i have to play weak, look around you. there's a lot of civilians. this is nothing."

the guards finally came and a few medics came to do first aid while waiting for the ambulance. upon their arrival, san began coughing blood and said to me. "the shooter... i... i think... he's... ugh... he's in the.... rooftop..." he panted.

and the oscar awards goes to- i thought as i mentally rolled my eyes.

calling the station, i spoke of my address and the status san is currently in. i suspected of a sniper in the building so i had a few back up coming.

looking back at choi san, i couldn't tell whether he's acting or not. he said he's acting so i'll take that. judging by the crowd and by the guards' reactions it looks like his acting is on an another level. even i is confused... or rather, convinced.



"oh." i mumbled as i saw san fall on the floor. observing from the mall's second floor view, i watched the crowd outside panic. it was a good idea to follow san. when he mentioned he'll go without bodyguards, i was suspicious and worried. it looks like he's acquainted with officer jung wooyoung all along.

"sir?" my bodyguard tried to reach out. "boss is-"

"i know." i calmly interrupted, scanning san's surroundings. "he's been shot." i said, still looking around.

spotting the shooter, i took off my coat and handed it to my bodyguard. "the sniper's at the east wing of the building, rooftop. go and assist san, i'll go to get the sniper."

my bodyguard informed the security that the shooter is at the building and requested everyone to leave the building immediately. everybody started to leave the building and paid no attention to us so i swiftly took my guard's gun from him. i got a good reaction in return and got myself nearly hurt by doing that.

"you've been training hard. that's nice, keep it up." i complimented him. "it looks like you bruised my arm."

"i'm sorry." he bowed.

Treasure EP. DOUBLE: Answer To DesireWhere stories live. Discover now