Daddy shook his head, quickly wiping his eyes. "That won't be necessary, we can speak now,"

The officer nodded, motioning for him to step out into the hallway. "Follow me,"

He looked back at me for a few seconds before walking out with the officer.

Once they were gone, Mama wiped her eyes, clearing her throat. "...Can someone let the nurse know that Aliyah's awake please,"

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, until Mariah let go of AJs arm, slightly nodding. ".......I'll find her,"

Mama slightly smiled through her tears. "...Thank you Mariah,"

She looked over at AJ, who I just realized had been staring at the ground since he stepped into the room.

She slightly rubbed his arm, trying to his attention, but he didn't move.

She sighed before stepping out of the room, leaving the rest of us.

"AJ," Mama said lowly.

He kept his eyes on the ground, not bothering to look up when she called him.

"AJ," she said again. "......Did you get a chance to see Aliyah?"

I looked over at him, wondering why he wasn't saying anything.

He kept his head low, leaned up against the wall, with his jaw clenched.

"AJ," Marissa said in a sigh. "Your mom is talking too you,"

He ignored the both of them, keeping his same still stance against the wall.

As soon as mama was about to speak again, the door flew open, as daddy stepped in again.

"AJ, let's go,"

As soon as he said that, AJ got up off of the wall, walking straight out of the door just like he instructed.

Mama frowned as if she was confused on what was happening.

"Where are y'all going? And what did the police officer say? Did they find any footage from the house??"

"They just confiscated it, and it's about to be reviewed at the station in a little while, after they review it, they can arrest him," He pulled his keys out of his pocket, as if he was about to leave.

"Okay, so where are you going??? Aliyah just woke up, and you're leaving? And why are you taking AJ? What's going on?"

"One of my guys said they saw Ronnie this morning at one of the hotels down town, so that's where we're going,"

Mama frowned again. "Did you tell the police????"

"No," he said nonchalantly. "I will after,"

"After what?"

"After AJ and I handle him, after that, they can arrest him."

Mama gasped, as I sat up a little in my bed. "Daddy please d-"

"August no," Mama said interrupting me. "As much as I want to get my hands on him, you and AJ are both going to get arrested for attacking him,"

Interception (Book 6)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora