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I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up
My dreams crushed before i even opened my mouth
Why do i always dream of things that can never be
A better reality
I want my reality to be my dreams and my dreams to be true
But that'll never be
Since i am me,
A nobody
Who deserves nothing but the least
The universe can offer me

What if i am what they say
A nobody that is only somebody
Because of a lucky chance of
Being born nowhere
Excelling because of the limited competition
What if i fail
The moment it becomes too hard
Or what if I'm average
Or mediocre
Or worse - just like everyone else
With a good transcript

How did i go from him to my fears
There it is
Im not stressed
Im terrified
Im so scared
Im ready to cry
Im not ready
Im....a little girl stuck in an adult body
Petrified for the future
Paralyzed by the past

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