Covid-19 Stress

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Bye bye early morning
Bye bye bus rides
Bye bye bras
Bye bye jeans
Bye bye girls state
Bye bye daily quotes
Bye bye nasty food
Bye bye halls with loud laughter
Bye bye prom
Bye bye baseball
Bye bye softball
Bye bye sanity
Bye bye social life
Bye bye teachers i can relate to
Bye bye friends
Bye bye normalcy
Bye bye winter
Bye bye

Hello sleeping in late
Hello hours of homework
Hello remote learning
Hello pajama day every day
Hello stress
Hello tears
Hello emails and emails and emails
Hello 1000 essays
Hello family
Hello home cooking
Hello new puppies
Hello new lifestyle
Hello insanity
Hello true friends
Hello zoom birthday parties
Hello stinky wifi
Hello guaranteed As
Hello to self discovery
Hello spring
Hello disappointment

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