,,Aren't you a good girl, huh? "Remus asked, smiling at the child and handing her some toys from the sandbox.

Suddenly, a small owl slipped on Remus's shoulder with a letter on it's leg. Remus quickly picked up the letter and looked around to make sure no Muggle had seen it. The owl flew away and Remus opened the letter and read it quickly. As Remus looked over his shoulder, he saw his wife standing there, Teddy on her lap.

,,What is it, Remus? "Tonks asked as she noticed a shocked look on her husband's face.

,,Lydia, "Remus replied, his voice stiff but fragile," She was attacked in Knockturn Alley this morning, she's in the hospital and she wants to see us both, "

Tonks's had a wrinkled look on her face, as if she didn't know what to think of the news, but she said, "We'll take the kids to my mother, she's home today, and then we'll go to the hospital."

The smell of the hospital was more disgusting to Tonks than it had ever been before, the whole thought of going there seemed very repulsive to her. Maybe it was that she hated hospitals, maybe it was that she had spent too much time in St Mungo, or maybe it was that they went to see someone Tonks wanted to write out of her life and pretend that they have never existed. A moment before they entered Lydia's ward, they paused at the door for a moment, looked at each other wordlessly, nodded at each other, Tonks sighed heavily, and Remus opened the door. It was a tiny ward with a two-bed, black-haired woman sleeping on one bed, her hospital bed was surrounded by flowers and 'heal quickly' cards, while the other bed had a woman with a tired face with some wrinkles, and sand color hair. She sat on her bed, wearing a blue hospital robe, a white blanket covering her legs, her unhappy eyes watching her hands lying on the blanket. Her right hand was completely wrapped in bandages and she had several patches on her face. Remus coughed, making Lydia's gray eyes jump up in fright, she looked at the two people in front of her as if she didn't realize if it was real or she was dreaming, slowly a delicate smile appeared on her lips.

,,You came?" her voice was very quiet, barely louder than a whisper.

,,What happened to you? "Remus asked, trying to keep his voice as firm as possible.

She shrugged gently and smiled a little sadly, her eyes sinking back down, "It's nothing. Just a few wounds. How have you been? How's Teddy doing?"

Remus raised a surprisingly an eyebrow, Tonks crossed her arms over her chest, "If you're all right, why did you invite us here?" she asked, rolling her eyes as Lydia's face looked surprised, as if she couldn't understand why she was being treated like that.

,,I ... the doctor thought it would be good, I didn't ask him to write to you, honestly." she sighed and then continued, her eyes still on the blanket," I ... I would actually like to apologize to you, I was wrong,"

,,Ou, you think so? You stole our son! That's more than wrong! "Tonks wanted to shout at her, but she kept her voice so as not to wake the other patient.

,,I know I'm sorry. I realized I did wrong and I treated you wrong. I wanted to come and apologize, but then I got attacked, "

,,What happened, who attacked you? "Remus asked," What did you do at Knockturn Alley? "

,,I work there at store where magical creatures are sold. Not a good job and I don't like how the creatures are treated there, but there was nothing to do, I needed a job. This morning when I was walking to work, I was attacked by a big man in black robe. I don't remember much, just that someone grabbed me and then the next thing I know is that I wake up here with thet, "she slowly and carefully pulled the bandage off her hand, exposing the maze of deep scars, the red scars formed text, "Watch your back Lupin"

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