chapter three | where he knows how much he wants her

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Hey guys, so as promised, there is the second update to the previous chapter.


Edward's POV-

He focused on the presence of her warmth and softness in his hands and smiled longingly at her. "Emily, I'm here to say a lot of things today. Lot of things I need to apologize for before you can even think about forgiving me. And my sorry ass."

Emily's hands tucked his to make him stand again but he remained rooted to his spot. "It's such a cold night today, Edward-"

"No, let me complete this." He looked pleadingly into her eyes. "Please."

She now seemed to understand him as she made no move against him now.

"I've come to realize that I've been wrong in my judgment about our friendship. I'm purely at fault for all that had happened so far. I shouldn't have been such jerk so as to believe I could have anything I wanted, even at the cost of our precious bond, which you must know I so very dearly treasure…"

"Edward-" She said, her eyes now shining with unshed moisture.

"No, Lily, let me complete it." He said, swallowing a lump in his throat. "If there's something that I can do to make you feel any better, to return that beautiful smile back on your face, to make you think of me as a friend instead of an insensitive bastard I've been all this time, during our marriage…as short as that was…" He stopped in the middle, feeling his own eyes itch with moisture. 

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. "If you can find in your big pure heart, somewhere, some space, just a little, to forgive all the mistakes I've ever done for both of us, all the unkind words I ever said to you, all the improper situations I ever put you into…because of my foolish greed and ambition, I shall be the happiest man alive on this earth now."

"While I should've asked you to be my wife properly that day, on my knees like this, and honestly, thinking about it now, if you had said 'yes' to my real proposal, I claim in all honesty today that I'd have been the happiest husband to stand before you now." He heard her take a deep breath as more tears pooled at the corner of her lovely brown eyes.

"But I still hope, foolish as it may look like on my part to say, if you'll forgive this… poor man who calls himself your friend, and can put aside all the differences between us…all the misunderstandings that ever existed between us, I want us to forget all about it, and start anew from the beginning. Again."

A lone tear trickled down her face and as it happened to fell, he caught it in his palm and put it close to his heart. He rubbed the spot on his chest that ached like he would die any moment, but still he kept firmly rooted on his spot.

"Tell me, Lily…" And then he looked at her, as if to make sure she wasn't hurt again by the use of her nickname given by him, "You'd always be Lily to me. If you accept it or not. We may be old enough to individually parent our own child right now, but you'd still be Lily to me. That you are very dear to me…and that you'd ever think of going away from me…from us…just know that it's more than enough punishment you've given me for the past four months. Anything more than that, and I'd not be able to carry it forward anymore. I'm sorry, Lily. But I don't have the guts in me to stay away from you. Call me a bastard, or an obsessive selfish jerk if you will, but that is the truth I speak of. From the depth of my heart. Please find in your bruised soul to accept it and let me and us, be in peace. Let us both not suffer anymore. I won't survive another argument and your absence from my side."

Emily hardly choked out his name as the tears continued to fall down her lovely pink flushed cheeks.

"I'm all yours to say anything now, Lily. Please scold me as you wish. I won't speak a word against it."

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