💧Not so lucky🌸

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✍🏽Hello so this is both angst and fluff✍🏽


Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the a character is remembering the excat words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


Everything was wrong so very wrong, the group of teens were stuck in a fun house with no food or water unless someone was murdered or played a little game with Monokuma in the final death room.

Not just some harmless game of uno or rock paper scissors no Russian roulette, now to all those who might be wondering what's so bad about it?

Its a game of chance,basically a person has a gun they have to their head and must pull the trigger, If for some unknown reason you survive then you pass the gun to the next person.

Simple enough isn't it? All you have to lose is your life no big deal atleast not to ultimate luck Nagito Komaeda this was his game,luck is literally his ultimate.

Everyone agreed so that no one is murdered all but one,Hajime Hinata also known as Nagito's one weakness.

They were currently in their shared room having a 'friendly' discussion among friends.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Hajime roughly pushed Nagito to the ground

The ultimate luck simply smiled,standing up dusting himself off, Hajime glared with tears in his eyes why couldn't Nagito stop being so stubborn?!

"I expected you of all people to understand me Hinata-kun, you being full of hope and all" Nagito chuckled

"Nagito you can't put your life at risk like this Russian roulette could go either way!" Hajime screamed punching Nagito's chest hard

The punch didn't phase Nagito,as long as it was Hajime hitting him then its alright, he is merely a stepping stone of hope.

"You don't think I know this?" Nagito took a deep breathe facing his raging friends "I am merely scum no one will care if I died"

"What the hell are you talking about Nagito?" Hajime gripped Nagito's shoulders forcing direct eye contact

"I'm only being honest Hinata-kun everyone in this island hates me if I win the final death room then I can finally be usef-.."

"What if you don't beat it?!" Hajime interrupted

"Impossible" Nagito chuckled stepping further away from Hajime "I'm the ultimate luck a worthless talent but maybe this once I can use i-.."

"What if your talent runs out?!" Hajime added

"Then I'll gladly accept death with open arms Hinata-kun" Nagito answered with a smile on his face

Hajime couldn't believe what he was hearing,does Nagito think that lowly of himself to the point of death not scaring him.

"What about our friends?" Hajime refused to give up even if his eyes hurt from crying and his body ached Nagito was worth it

"They could care less about me" Nagito responded

"What about hope?" Hajime yelled "by doing this your turning to despair!"

"Wrong Hinata-kun I am doing this for hope" Nagito hugged himself "hope is absolute go-.."

"Fuck hope what about your life Nagito huh what about living!" Hajime sobbed "don't you care about yourself?"

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