The Beauty in a Hoodie [SHORT STORY]

Start from the beginning

If he doesn't confess soon, everything will all fade.

After class, Luca was pacing around wondering what to do. In one hand he had roses, and the other was a gift bag with a hair accessory he made himself by playing around with some dyed metal he made. It was the process of many hard weeks and tinkering with a meticulous process.

At some point, he began muttering to himself to calm his nerves as he walked back and forth in front of the class door. Novae said that Melody and her were going to prep for a chemistry experiment tomorrow so they were going to stay late. Luca remembered the date and time... but unfortunately he forgot that Melody wasn't going to be the only person there.

As the door suddenly creaked open, Luca rushed to it and held up the gift, staring at his shoes in the process because he was very nervous.

"Can we talk privately for a sec?" he asked, his voice extremely soft and low.


Hearing a different voice, he looked up in shock only to realize that the person who opened the door was Novae while Melody was staring at the scene from behind.

Stumped and shocked to a state of stillness, Luca stared at Novae while she said, blushing

"Roses? Oh really... I'm glad you accept my feelings Luca."

Still shocked and stuck in a state of stillness he watched as Melody gently smiled, nodded and left the class politely. He turned his gaze away from her before he could notice that there was a slightly lonely feeling around her as she dragged her legs down the hallway, a single teardrop trailing down her pale cheek.

Finally regaining the ability to move, he watched Novae bitterly as she stared at the gifts and began coquettishly talking about her disgust with Melody. She was happy and under the delusion that she had won against her love rival, revealing all the feelings that she kept bottled up for years.

"I thought you were going to give this to Melody for a second there. You were the only one who actually seemed interested in her but really, I'm so happy that all this time you were really interested in me. I must have been slow to catch on because I just realized how that you never refute what I say about our relationship"

'No it's not that I don't refute, it's just no one would believe me if I did and I would end up being really mean to you which I now regret not doing.' Which Luca silently thought while listening to Novae ramble on. She acted nothing like the girl he was usually friends with. The traces of her true personality that he sometimes saw were finally surfacing.

"I really don't understand why anyone would like her, I mean she's not even pretty. She's just a bit smart and knows how to talk. But I feel really glad now that I have you, I mean you must be thinking the same thing right? That she's just ugly and..."

"That's enough Novae," Luca said, unable to keep quiet any longer. He didn't want to refute her before just because it was too much trouble but now that she was really revealing her jealousy for Melody and saying harsh things, he decided to stop things before they got worse.

"These actually were for Melody. And yes. I. Like. Her. Please stop acting like you're better than her. She's not as shallow and she's not that judgemental to other people."

Novae looked up at him in shock and anger, fuming with rage.

"So are you saying that she's better than me?"

Luca kept silent. This was someone who he's treated nicely all these years and now that she's revealing her inner impatience and true thoughts, he found himself disappointed.

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