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"What about you?"

"Straight, I guess" Evlyn answered, feeling heat spread over her ears and cheeks

"Ok, ok, calm down guys" Hoseok spoke up "Babe can you grab the beer? I'm going to get some liquor and shot glasses" Jimin went to do as he was asked and they both came back with an amity of beer and alcohol

"Look what I got" Minah said in sing-song voice holding up and ziplock bag of weed

"Hope it's better than that shit you had last time" Jungkook frowned

"It is, I promise!" She and Gabby started rolling up. Just as they finished the doorbell sounded so Jimin went to get the pizza. He came back carrying four boxes, the delicious aromas making everyone salivate.

Hoseok jumped up and Evlyn followed closely behind as he entered the kitchen where Jimin had already pulled plates out for them.

"They like to tease, don't take any they say seriously" Hoseok offered an explanation "Sometimes they forget everyone isn't as opens and lax as we are"

"It's okay, I just get nervous around new people. I'll be fine, I just need to loosen up"

"Oh well I've got just the thing for you babe" Gabby said exhaling a cloud of smoke "Here"

"You don't even know if she smokes. You don't have to if you don't want to" Hoseok said

"I know" Evlyn took the joint from Gabby and put it between her lips, handing it back a few seconds later

"Oh shit" Jimin's eyes doubled in size as he watching her hold it in before exhaling

"I'm not a complete lame" she cracked open a beer and put three slices on her plate then returned to the living room. Both men came in shortly after her and reclaimed one of the large sofas sitting on either side of her. Gabby joined them again with a bottle of cranberry juice.

After they finished their pizza they jumped back into the conversation, Evlyn joined the rotation and was feeling more relaxed than ever.

"Evlyn do you have a boyfriend" Jungkook asked

"Nope" she replied with a pop on th P "Aye, I got a question"

"What is it?" Jimin asked

"Did you mean to hire an escort?" Her head jerked up to face Jimin "Some shit you said wasn't sense making sense until now"

"Yeah but Hobi fucked up and went through the wrong agency"

"My bad" he voice was deeper in his relaxed state

"So why didn't you let me go once you found out I was a real maid and hire what you wanted"

"Cause we actually needed a maid" he laughed smacking my thigh causing a chain reaction of laughter.

"Put on some music I wanna dance," Minah said, wiggling in front of Namjoon. Hoseok made music flow from every corner of the room

"Ooh I got an idea" Gabby's smile turned sinister as she pulled Minah over to her and whispered in her ear making her also sport a evil grin

"They're plotting" Namjoon shook his head

"Shots anybody?" Gabby asked holding up an unopened bottle of tequila

"Hell yes!" Jungkook shouted, taking the bottle from her. He opened it and tipped his head back taking his straight from the source "Open up Tae"

Taehyung tilted his back with his mouth open. This continued until everyone else had a "shot" and it was down to Evlyn. She sat on the edge of her seat, tipped her head up and opened wide, Jungkook spilled the alcohol down her throat watching as she swallowed with an open mouth. He ceased pouring as she swallowed the last bit in her mouth then scrunched her face before letting out a guttural groan

"Whooo, that burns" she exclaimed rubbing her chest

"Wow" Hoseok and Jimin said in unison. She giggled at their reaction as the both looked shocked

"Come dance with us" Minah and Gabby grabbed both of Evlyn's arms pulling her up with them. She was going to protest but didn't have a reason why so she started moving and laughing with the girls.

Several songs passed before Evlyn excused herself to use the bathroom when she came back she saw a chair from the dining room sitting in the front of the room.

"What's going on?" She questioned looking at everyone

"We're going to give the guys lap dances" Minah answered as if it was obvious

"Ooooh sounds sexy" she clapped twice in tiny. Namjoon took the chair first when "Dance for You" by Beyoncé thumped through the speakers. His dimples on full display as he watched her move to the beat. Her hips swayed back and before then she straddled him grinding while throwing her hair around before sliding off his lap onto the floor and dancing suggestively between his legs as the song ended.

The room boomed with applause, hoots, hollers and whistles as she arose from the floor laughing like a hyena. "Thank you, thank you" Minah bowed

Namjoon adjusted his crotch, obviously aroused from her dance "So are you going to leave me like this?"

"You know we are going to take care of you later baby, watch the rest of the show" she winked as Gabby took the floor with Jungkook in the hot seat.

"Keeping with the Beyoncé theme" she said pressing on the song she wanted and "Partition" blared as she put her foot on his muscular thigh and popped her butt once.

Everyone in the room focused on Gabby's body moving like a fish in water, her flexibility rendering Evlyn speechless as she was the only person there that had never seen the woman move before. She sat in Jungkook's lap facing outward, swirling and popping her body to the bass. She spun in his lap and buried his face in her cleavage and he grabbed then smacked her ass as the song came to an end. Again the room rumbled with cheers and applause.

"Which one of you will it be, gentleman?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow. Jimin tapped Hoseok's shoulder pointing to the now empty chair

"Alright girl it's showtime" Minah said wiggling her eyebrows at Evlyn, egging her on to go next

"Me? Ooh no, not happening, they-they're my bosses" she shook her head repeatedly

"Stop being shy. Take another shot and shake your ass" Jungkook teased, grabbing the bottle again. She rolled her eyes but opened her mouth for him to pour another generous amount of burning liquid right into her throat. Hoseok sat in the chair with glossy eyes that hung low and his long, slim legs spread wide open. The air of arrogance around him was something Evlyn hadn't seen before now. He looked powerful but almost bored, as if he didn't care about anything.

She chewed the inside of her bottom lip feeling a pull to him that she couldn't ignore. What better excuse to have than being high and tipsy to dry hump your handsomely attractive boss to a sexy song?

Fuck it, let's do this!

The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅Where stories live. Discover now