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Evlyn was thankful to the liquor gods for making everyone too drunk for sex. Including her, Hoseok and Namjoon were the least drunk of the group, so they were in charge of the rest. When the party finally came to an end at nearly 4 am they made sure everyone was out of the house and safe on their way home. Calling for car services and ride sharing for some guests who ended up leaving alone.

After her run-in with Allen, Evlyn stopped drinking for the night. She tried not to act differently but it was obvious something had altered her mood and it just made Hoseok more anxious to know what happened. He hoped it wasn't something bad, but he initially thought that they used to date, or hook up at least, and it ended badly. Although he kept his party spirit he had slowed down on drinking as well and Namjoon hated the feeling of being drunk so he stuck to mostly beer and spaced them out to avoid it.

The mansion was empty and trashed, luckily, they had the foresight to hire a cleaning service for the next day, so they didn't worry too much about it. Gabby and Minah were comatose on the largest sofa of the living room that was pushed along the far wall, Jungkook was slumped in a chair, Jimin looked like a starfish on the floor and Taehyung was kneeling over an ottoman. They were going to regret every drink they had the night before.

"I want to move them, but I don't think we should" Namjoon said, looking around at the bodies littering the room

"Just leave 'em, no point trying to pick up all this dead weight" Hobi commented, Namjoon -agreed by nodding "I'm going to get cleaned up, you two coming?" he asked pointing at him and his girlfriend

"Yeah, I've been dying to come out of this costume for hours and my makeup is long gone" Evlyn replied, removing the cat ears and tails accessories.

"Me too, it's heavier than it looks and I'm super sweaty, a hot shower is exactly what I need"  The three of them made sure the house was locked up and no lingering guests were hiding anywhere then headed for the large ensuite bathroom in Hobi and Jimin's bedroom.

Hoseok pulled out some pajamas for Namjoon while Evlyn was in the mirror removing her makeup. She heard the two men in the bedroom, undressing and talking to each other in between yawns and tired groans. As she cleansed her face she thought back to the moment with that piece of human garbage and the threat he made to her, more like a promise because she knew he was completely capable of making it a reality for her and them. Her mind began to race, should she finally fess up to her loving, understanding boyfriends or keep quiet and handle it herself? But what could she do? She wasn't in a position of power and Allen knew that he knew she was as helpless as a newborn baby.

The exhausted maid audibly exhaled as she loosened the ties on her corset. After she was completely free of the costume, she started the shower and pulled out three towels and rags for them and hung the towels on the rack near the shower door. When the water was nice and hot they guys came back into the bathroom and got right in the shower after Evlyn.

"Ooh my god" She yawned, the waterfall faucet raining down over her entire body. Her hair so body dripping she reached for the shampoo, but Hoseok beat her to it, squeezing a generous amount into his palm and slathering it over her hair "Thankyou baby"

"You're welcome" he hummed, his slender fingers massaging her scalp which sent a shiver down her spine "Feel good?" he chuckled

"Feels great" she replied "Joon are you sleeping in our bed? I'm used to being double cuddled now and I can't sleep without being sandwiched"

"Of course, I'll cuddle you kitten," he answered, washing his own hair under the angled faucet.

Hoseok got lost in his thoughts and the other two made idle chit-chat with one another, he wanted to talk about Allen but didn't know how to bring up without her shutting down. He guessed it was better to wait until tomorrow after she was rested and Jimin was awake.

The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ