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Hoseok and Jimin stayed seated on the couch while Evlyn napped. "I hope we didn't scare her off" Jimin said with his head laid in the other's lap

"She'll say yes baby, don't worry too much about it"

"How can you be so sure?"

"My gut is never wrong" he smiled down at the younger "She just needs time"

"I love you"

"I love you too" the two men sat there for a little while longer until Jimin's phone went off and he took the call in a separate room..

Hoseok continued to watch tv alone until he needed to use the bathroom. As he was coming back from the bathroom he heard Evlyn moving around in her room. He contemplated knocking but decided to let her be, he knew she would talk to them when she was ready. Hoseok continued back to true living room

"Hobi guess what!" An excited Jimin re entered the room with a big smile on his face

"The agency decided to renew your contract"

"Better! KEM wants me! When my contract with Regency ends they want to sign me on immediately for a three year deal" he explained full is excitement

"That's amazing baby! I'm so happy for you" He hugged and kissed him

"Oh my god this is what I've been wanting for so long, I can't believe it" he started to cry

"Aww Jiminie, I know and I couldn't be happier for you babe, you deserve this. I know you'll be amazing like you always are"

"Thank you Hobi, I'm so glad I get to share this with you." He kissed his fiancé with gratitude

"Me too. Well this is worth celebrating, what do you say?"

"Absolutely but I want to wait until I sign the contract then we can announce it at my birthday/Halloween party. Don't want to jinx it" Jimin expressed wiping his eyes

"Okay" the two men embrace each other again pulling away at the sound of a feminine voice

"Is everything okay" Evlyn asked

"Yes, everything is great. Jimin just got some exciting news" Hoseok answered

"Oh?" She questioned with raised eyebrows

"Yeah, I'm getting signed to Kleaver Elite Models for a three year deal"

"Kle-Kleaver?" She stuttered. These people were inescapable

"You've heard of them?"

"Yeah" she snapped out her thoughts and smiled at Jimin "Congratulations Jimin, that is great news. I'm really happy for you" She opened her arms to hug him to which he accepted, giving her a squeeze

"Can I kiss you?" He asked as the released each other

"Yes," she smiled. Jimin cupped her face and planted his juicy lips on hers, pressing firmly before lifting away

"Thank you Evlyn" she blushed and nodded

"Did you have a good nap?" Hoseok asked sitting on the sofa

"I did, thanks for letting me have the day off."

"No problem" Jimin sat down across from Hoseok smiling down at his phone while she continued to stand "Is something wrong?"

"I have my answer"

"Already? You don't need to rush Evlyn, seriously take all the time you need" Hoseok told her with a look of concern on his face

The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora