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Evelyn believed her plan was successful, she thought she managed to trick her boyfriends but her sudden change in behavior the night before only made it even more obvious that something was off with her.

Both men got up and ready for work at their usual times, Hoseok was in the final stage of the big deal and Jimin already had a few small gigs that would keep him busy for the next few weeks. All three of them had breakfast together, kissing their maid turned girlfriend goodbye for the day and promising to call later to check in on her.

Evlyn took a shower and got dressed in some casual clothes, her nerves rattling with each passing moment. She felt sick for even considering dealing with Allen, but she didn't want Jimin's career to suffer because of her so she did what she believed to be the best for them all.

With all the money she was able to save from "working" she had a hefty safety net that could hold her over for nearly a year if she managed her money right. Evlyn booked a hotel just outside the city so that she lay low after leaving Jimin and Hoseok knowing they would try to find her. Her chest hurt and her eyes stung with unshed tears, as she pulled her suitcases from the closet.

The sad maid collected all minor traces of her existence from the room to throw in the trash, only saving the few pictures she had of the three of them. The room looked the way it did when she moved in. Evlyn dragged her luggage down the stairs and put it at the front door then called a taxi. While waiting for her transportation she wrote a note for Hoseok and Jimin and left it on the kitchen island along with her phone and keys to the house. Honking from outside told her the taxi had arrived, so she opened the door to see a yellow cab waiting for her. The driver went out to help her with her bags.

"Hi, Evlyn Joss?"

"Yes, thank you" she confirmed as he rolled both suitcases to the already opened trunk. She looked back at the house that provided her with employment and happiness one more time with a heavy sigh.

Picking up her backpack from the floor and slinging it over one shoulder she pulled the door closed behind her as she left. The driver closed the trunk and opened the back door for her to get in his cab then closed it. Firmly planted in the driver's seat he put on his seatbelt and put the car into drive, putting her former home in the distance. Evlyn didn't want to cry but it hurt, leaving behind the people that mattered most to her, so she let the tears fall silently.

She looked down at her watch, 10:43am, the timestamp of her heartbreak. She rode for almost forty minutes in near silence, the driver was listening to a podcast and making occasional rhetoric commentary during the episode. Evlyn tuned it out mostly, but it sounded political, she only stared out the window but barely noticed when the car stopped.

"Miss, you wanted the Marriot, right?" he asked pointing to the main entrance

"Hm? Oh, yeah" she gave him a weak smile. He jumped out to open her door but she beat him to it so he pulled her luggage from the trunk. Evlyn paid him $80, stopping him before he could retrieve her change

"Keep it. Thank you and drive safe"

"Thank you, care take" he tipped his hat then got back in his car, driving off to his next ride.

Evlyn rolled her cases into the lobby right up to the check-in desk to be greeted by an older Mexican woman with chubby cheeks and long curly hair.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I have a reservation for Joss, Evlyn" she pulled her driver's license out of her wallet and opened the email with her confirmation of booking to show her.

A few moments later Evlyn was taking an elevator to the fifth floor chanting her room number until it came into view. She rolled her luggage inside the room that consisted of a queen size bed, a dresser and a small table with a lamp. The tv was mounted on the wall in front of the expert made bed that had two night tables on the sides.

Evlyn reached into her pocket for the card but it wasn't there so she checked her own pockets but all were empty. Realizing she dropped it she sighed of out if annoyance and sat in the chair at the small table

"Doesn't even matter" she muttered, unzipping the largest compartment of her backpack she pulled out several small boxes

The day after the party she did next day delivery on some mini cameras and microphones in an effort to obtain irrefutable evidence that Allen Kleaver is a horrible human and deserved all the bad things in life to happen to him. The former maid also pulled out her laptop and went to YouTube to learn how to hide the items on her person and on her personal items. She wasn't sure what Allen had planned but she knew it wasn't anything good.

With everything setup and operational she decided to pass the time by sleeping. After setting an alarm she drifted off thinking of the two men she left behind.

Meanwhile, Hoseok had returned home early to surprise Evlyn for lunch but was met with a cold, empty house instead of his beautiful, welcoming girlfriend. He called out for her, searching every room of his lavish home but never got a response., he called Jimin while walking back into the kitchen to see the note he overlooked on his first past

"Hey babe, what's up?" Jimin answered, his background was loud and busy

"She's gone" Hobi said, he had opened her note and began reading it while waiting for Jimin to answer. His heart sank.


"Evlyn, she's gone. I came home to have lunch with her but she's not here and all her stuff is gone. She left a note, her phone and keys on the kitchen island" He explained with shaky breaths

"She-she left us" Jimin spoke sadly after a beat of silence between them. "What does her note say?"

Hoseok read it to him word for word:

To my loves,

I'm so sorry I lied to you but please believe that this is for your own good. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to either of you because of me and my past. I really do love you both and I'm so sorry to hurt you like this but I have to leave, I will be fine so don't try to look for me.

I know this is a selfish request but please don't forget me too soon, I know I will never forget either of you.


By the time he finished there were tears streaming down Hoseok's usually happy and glowing face. Jimin's sniffles told him he was also shedding tears.

"We have to find her" the younger of them said with a determined tone "We have to help her Hobi"

"I know love, and we will. And I think I know just where to start, I'll call you soon"

"I'm coming home"

"No, carry on as normal Jimin, something tells me Allen Kleaver is behind her reason for leaving and we don't need him or anyone around him to get suspicious. For now we keep this between you and me"

"Shouldn't we call the police" he whispered

"Not yet, keep your phone near"

"Be careful Hobi, I love you"

"I love you too Jimine" they hang up. Hoseok stares at the note, rereading it as anger starts to boil inside him "We'll find you kitten, don't worry  you'll be home where you belong" he declared in the silence of the house.

The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin