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"Sit kitten, we got this" Hoseok told her while pulling out a chair

"Yes sir- I mean okay" she blushed. Namjoon slid into the chair before she could and pulled her into his lap.

"Relax Evlyn, we're just sitting here" he said, feeling her tense up at contact. She nodded and tried to loosen up, his right arm secured her in his lap around her waist and her left rested on top of her thigh.

"Aren't you going to help too?" she asked

"I'm not allowed in the kitchen" he frowned making her giggle

"Aww" she kissed his cheek making him smile "So tell me how you and Minah met"

"I used to be a sex worker" Minah answered for him "I worked at a club that required membership and my Joonie frequented quite a bit. Once I was with him I couldn't be with anyone else, he had ruined the job for me" she laughed mixing batter to make french toast

"The feeling was mutual" Namjoon added "One night I asked her on a regular date and she said yes and not to be cliché but it really has been us ever since. She decided to quit the club, even though I told her she didn't have to, and landed a contract with the same modeling agency Jimin works for"

"Okay, so I got how you all met individually. I guess the big question for me is how did this poly-friend-lationship thing form?"

"A couple years ago Jimin and Hoseok threw a legendary NYE party that got us here" Jungkook started "Once the clock struck midnight and the new year was officially rang in everyone started going home but Gabby was drunk and horny and insisted that we have a quickie before going home so I found a random room for us, not realizing at the time it was Hobi and Jimin bedroom, we fucked and just as we were about to leave I noticed Jimin was standing in the corner watching us while getting his own fix from Hobi"

"Jungkook was so scared and freaked out he turned as white as a ghost and apologized profusely" Hoseok laughed "He didn't realize just how open and freaky my baby and I were at that time"

"Meanwhile I was looking for Kook and Gabby, finally finding them in that awkward situation. Not really sure of what to do or say so I just told them we needed to leave and thanked Hoseok for the party when Jimin stopped us and told us we didn't have to leave if we didn't want to. I thought he meant we could spend the night so I was like okay"

"You were wrong, so very wrong" Jimin laughed pecking Tae's lips "Again, drinking makes me way more bold than I already am when I'm sober so I asked them of they wanted to sleep in our bed that night"

"The was the most awkward moment of my entire life, I knew both of them were bi and had an open relationship I just never expect myself to get involved in it even though I had fantasized about being with Jimin plenty of times before I met JK and Tae when he was a patient of mine"

"I couldn't lie I'd always thought Hobi was really cute and Jimin is very sexy but I never thought they would want me but my adrenaline was pumping and I said yes without even thinking about it." Jungkook explained while cutting up some fruit.

"I was down with whatever Jungkook and Taehyung wanted to do. I don't know why but my mind thought of Minah and I had a pretty big crush on her already so I figured that would be a great opportunity to get with her, if she agreed, but I was scared Namjoon wouldn't be into the idea"

"And I wasn't at first, I was okay with having occasional threesomes but a whole fucking orgy was an uncomfortable thought for me. When Gabby told us about what they were about to do I immediately declined"

"I was a little shocked by how fast he said no but I had to respect his feelings and even though it sounded like fun we didn't stay that night. It was a few months later at a St. Patrick's day party that I was caught drunkenly making out with Gabby that Joonie came around to the idea of us participating in the fun they'd already been having for three months at that point in time" Minah explained taking the eggs from the pan to a large serving dish

"Wow" was all Evlyn could say

"I know it's a lot to take in but we have talked about this so much and in meticulous detail about how we feel, what we like, don't like and how to keep everyone safe and comfortable. Kitten me and Hobi have been watching ever since you came to work for us and I know you'd be perfect for us but the choice is yours. Please don't feel like you have to say yes because you don't; you won't lose your job and we won't be mad at you either but we would love it if you became our third. Would you consider being with Hoseok and I?" asked kneeling on front of her

"Can I think about it? This is brand new for me and a lot to try to process at the moment. I'm not saying no but I need to think about it"

"Of course kitten, that's only fair" Jimin said  with his pretty smile "In the meantime, you should think of your reward"

"I already know what I want" she replied back instantly

"Oh? And what exactly is that?" Hoseok asked with raised eyebrows

"I want to watch" she blushed at her own request

"Watch what gorgeous?"

"You and-and Jimin, together"

"Oooh you naughty girl" Jimin leaned in to kiss her full lips

"Everything is ready guys, set the table please" Taehyung said. Everyone moved to the dining room to seat since it could accommodate all eight of them. Breakfast was chill, Evlyn was able to relax and enjoy the company of her bosses and their friends.

After the meal all the people that didn't live there went back to their homes. Evlyn insisted on cleaning the kitchen, afterwards both men made her cuddle with them.

"Are you okay Evlyn?"

"Yes Jimin, I am okay, really"

"Last night was really fun kitten, you taste good and it was so fucking hot watching you with Tae and Jk" Hoseok moaned her my ear "My cock is twitching just thinking about it"

"Mmhmm mine too" Jimin whispered in her other ear. Evlyn was wedged between the two men, her body was heating up and her insides were churning.

"But we will wait kitten, sorry to get you riled up baby"

"It's okay" she breathed trying to calm herself down. "I'm going to take a nap, please wake me up if you guys need anything."

"Don't worry about us kitten, get some rest" She stood up and walked to her bedroom to see her bed had fresh sheets on it. Evlyn slid in, letting out a satisfied moan. She hadn't realized just how tired she was or how badly her body and mind needed to rest. The previous night really wore her out but in a good way, she cleared her mind and drifted off into a deep slumber.

The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें