"Who's the new crew?" I asked Maggie as she held Dorian close to her chest.

The baby cooed at Maggie as she shifted him into a more comfortable position. I held in an annoyed sigh at the sounds he was making. Both him and Rhea were proving to be quite a hassle when in the wild.

They take turns crying and attracting every walker in the vicinity. The smelly diapers and constant need to be held were also pretty bad. No one seemed to complain though and it made me feel crazy for thinking it.

"Abraham, Tara, Eugene and Rosita." Maggie replied.

I glanced at them only to frown. Not the biggest fan of new people. We don't know if we can trust them. They all seemed pretty shady to me. Especially the redhead, Abraham. His buddy Eugene was weird, too.

I glanced at the woman glued to Abraham's side. "I don't like the Rosita chick. Seems sketchy."

Maggie snorted at my comment. I was being serious. The new people were suspicious. Always huddling together and talking so quietly that a nearby eavesdroppper can't hear what they're saying.

Or so I've heard. I would never dream to eavesdrop on anyone.

"That's weird, you and her are quite alike, actually. I think you'd get along."

I hummed in response though I highly doubted it. Even the friends that I do have were gained by chance and not choice. I wanted nothing to do with anyone here and yet here I was.

"Help, anybody! Help!"

The yell for help startled me enough for me to automatically grip my knife. It sounded close. Whoever was calling out was screaming at the top of their lungs.

Carl urged Rick to follow. But after everything we've been through, all of this sounded like a trap. Rick looked to me for guidance. I shook my head in disagreement.

We had children to protect. Saving strangers at the cost of their lives wasn't worth it. However, Carl's pleas wore down Rick and he rushed towards the yells. I let out a groan of frustration before following.

Upon finding the source of the yells, I faltered in my steps. The others went ahead as I stared at the priest on top of a rock. Walkers surrounded him and one of them had grabbed his foot.

Abby grabbed a walker pulling it away from the rock and stabbing it in the head. My eyes narrowed at the swiftness of her actions. Like she'd done it a hundred times.

"We're clear. Keep watch." Rick said.

I looked back towards the rock to see the others had cleared it. I still lingered at the back of the group, desperate to keep my distance. The last thing I needed was another man of faith.

His choice of career reminded me of Hershel. He reminded me of the prison and the prison reminded me of Ryan. As all things did. The irony of a priest reminding me of death wasn't lost on me. I kept trying to forget Ryan's demise and all I've been given is reminders.

As the priest climbed down, his first reaction was to throw up. The entire group seemed to roll their eyes. It was kind of amusing. With everyone's eyes on him, I decided to slip away into the forest. Last thing I wanted was to be there.

While they're interrogating him, I can take a look around. Make sure we're not going to get ambushed. Daryl glanced at me from the corner of his eye as I disappeared from their view.

He was the only to notice.

The thought did not comfort me. Nothing did though. Especially not if it was connected to Daryl. Whenever I thought of him, which was often, I'd just feel guilty. For choosing to take a step forward without him, for not being able to tell him that I've picked another for myself.

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