Chapter 31

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Boy, oh boy, has this been a night to remember. Everything started off in such an amazing fashion. We were celebrating our first Thanksgiving in which we got to do the full traditional meal and have a huge family gathering and all that jazz. With no extended family in our lives, Miguel always expected me to cook a Thanksgiving meal, but it was just the four of us. The night always ended with him leaving to go deal with business. 

This was so different. We spent pretty much the entire day at Georgia and Jetson’s place. I helped in the kitchen, got the chance to have baby cuddles, we went over wedding plans while rolling out pie dough, it much fun. The meal was fantastic and everything seemed to be so perfect, the picture-perfect way that the holiday should be. I guess I should have known that couldn’t last long.

I was all for going out to the bar to have an adult night. Throwing back some drinks and feeling that buzz was so nice. Dancing with the girls on the dancefloor, but overly flirting with Gruff all night had me ready to rush home and jump him all over the apartment. Instead, Jasper and Tristen decided to have a dick measuring contest and we’re here. Somebody called the cops about a brawl at the bar, Peggy, the bartender at Duke’s said that it was just a misunderstanding, but the deputy said that since they were called they had to take the guys in. 

I was texting with Landry when she picked up Tristen about an hour ago. Apparently, Jasper had a record and had to wait for a judge to approve his release. I didn’t ask Gruff any other questions, I guess I can save that for another day. He insisted on picking Jasper up by himself, but I was afraid that he would do something out of anger, so I’m playing my part as a buffer.

I watch the front door to the sheriff’s office for closer to forty-five minutes and finally the door swings open and Gruff and Jasper walkout. If Gruff was a cartoon character, he’d have a red face and steam coming from his ears. I can see the tension in his jaw and the way he keeps fisting his hands by his side. Jasper looks disheveled and exhausted, but mostly just out of it.

“Hey Jas,” I say when he opens the door and climbs into the back seat. “Did everything go okay getting you out?”

Gruff interrupted instead, “Minus the $1000 I had to pay and the fact that witness statements say that he instigated it, which means Tristen could press charges.”

“He’s not pressing charges,” Jasper mumbles much to Gruff’s dismay.

Gruff spins around to the backseat to yell at his brother, “How do you know, Jasper? You know the guy is a giant prick and yet you allowed him to push you as far as he did and now there is a chance you could be charged with assault. That’s not just a few hours in a cell and I bail you out. That is actual time in prison, that’s what you want?”

“Of course I don’t want that, but he’s not going to press charges. He might be a giant dick and Landry is way too fucking good for him, but he’s not a fucking idiot. Landry would talk him out of it if he even thought about it.”

“Or maybe Landry is so fucking pissed at you for treating her like a fucking carnival prize that she’d love to see you locked up and out of her hair.”

“Fuck you.”

“Okay, guys, let’s just take a few deep breaths. It has been a really long day and it is best that we just take Jasper home and chill out before we all say things we can’t take back.” I try to diffuse the situation, but I don’t know how much good it is going to do. They are both caught up in their own emotions right now. Jasper goes silent and Gruff just mumbles something under his breath, but then puts the truck into drive and pulls out, on the way into town to drop Jasper off at his place.

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