Chapter 5

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Tired of staring at the computer screen, I get up and take a trip into the adjacent breakroom to fill my coffee mug, again. I’m normally not this much of a coffee drinker, but last night was a late night and today was….well, today. My eyes were scratchy and I wanted to close them, but I needed to keep working. Camila and her kids needed my help, even if all I could do for them was get this car back on four wheels for them. Rather than sit in the breakroom and drink my coffee, I head back to my desk.

“Gruff?” Maverick pokes his head in right as I’m sitting down.

“What’s up?”

“Just checking to see if you’ve had any luck so far?”

I look at my computer screen and shake my head. “No, I even started to look on Craig’s List and I’m not seeing any tires that size that could be here by today.”

“Well, then maybe I should tell you that I don’t think you’ll need to worry about getting something by today.”

“Uh, why is that?”

Maverick ran his hand through his hair and took a seat on the chair in front of my desk. “Tate and I have been looking over it and the back axel is bent. I’m not sure what she hit to cause the flat tire, but either that or her driving on it after bent the shit out of it.”

“Fuck. Can it be repaired?”

“I don’t know that much, I didn’t really look that much at it. I need to get it up on a lift and see what we’re dealing with. I know she wants to get out of here, but I can’t let her go unless it is safe.”

“No, I agree. I guess it is good that you have her settled in at your place?”

“Yeah, it’s kind of weird, isn’t it?”

“A bit, but I didn’t expect much different from Bellamy, she’s so…..”


I chuckle at his facial expression, “Yeah, nice. I take it you’re not thrilled that she’s there?”

“I don’t mean to come off like an asshole, but we’re going to have a baby like basically any second and we have three strangers residing at our place. For how long? I have no fucking clue. But I can’t kick them out, can’t tell them to go stay somewhere else, because I know you saw what I saw.”

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest, “Has B gotten anything out of her? What exactly is going on? I don’t want to keep making assumptions, but shit, those bruises are her neck can only mean one thing.”

“She basically just told her that they were from New Mexico and they had been on the road all night trying to get away. She doesn’t have a plan though, she said she hasn’t been in touch with her family in a long time and doesn’t even have phone numbers.”

“Fucking hell, what is her damn plan then? Just drive around until he gets bored trying to find her?”

“That might not be as long as she thinks it is going to be.” Maverick and I both turn to face our brother Tate who is standing in the doorway holding something small and black in his hand. He takes a few steps forward and drops it onto the ground. I pick it up and look at it, but I’m unsure what it is.

“What am I looking at, Tate?”

“That’s a GPS tracker. And that red button that is flashing, it means that it is on and being tracked.”

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