{•Chapter 11•}

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I was there frozen on fear, seeing the very weapon that could kill my kind. I stood there in silence so she wouldn't hear me, she was saying something but I couldn't hear since I had clothes covering my ears. She looked around the room like she was looking for something, I was hoping for dear life that she won't look in here. As soon as I saw her leave I slowly left the closet and jumped out of the window and ran home as fast as I could.

As soon as Luz got home she swung open the door forget Hooty was even there, Eda saw that Luz look terrified "kid what happened" Luz couldn't speak of how scared she was, she knows that if she was caught she'd most likely could have been hurt or even worse. Eda called for Camila, as Camila came down she ran to Luz "mija what's wrong what happened" Luz only spoke two words "wolfsbane....dagger". Camila's eyes widened "that's impossible, those were destroyed forever" Eda didn't know what she was talking about since wolfsbane daggers haven't been used or seen in over thousands of years to the point that not many people know what that is.

*The next day*

Luz's POV

I couldn't get the thought out of my head about Amity's mother of how she even got a dagger, I was laying on my bed just on my phone, after a little bit I got up and went to the bathroom to go shower and get dressed, I put on some ripped jeans and a black hoodie and some black shoes (it's a Saturday btw) I walked down the stairs to see Eda and my mom cooking "hey mami, Eda what are you guys cooking?", Eda then yelled out "I'm trying to cook and she won't let me!", that's because you can't cook!" I laughed of how they both were arguing. I looked around seeing kid commanding his toys, "hey boo boo buddy, how are ya?", king then hugged my leg "I'm doing great Luz!", I took my phone out to call Amity

Amity: Yes Luz?

Luz: hey wanna hang out in the forest

Amity: sure I just have to stop my two dumb siblings to stop fighting

Luz: great!, at 4pm?

Amity: Yeah sounds good.

I then hung up the phone and looked at the time, it was 3:30, "how long did I sleep?" I asked myself, I shifted into my wolf form and ran into the woods to relax myself after what happened last night.

Amity's POV

I went to go stop my sibling for fighting over something stupid again, "PUT IT BACK EDRIC" "NO I WANNA KEEP IT AS A PET", "YOU CANT KEEP A BAT AS A PET EDRIC", it's was funny but also annoying seeing them fight, I used a abomination spell to separate them both from the bat. I picked up the bat and let it fly out of the house, "Hey that was my pet!" Edric yelled, "you can't keep a bat as a pet Edric it's common sense", Emira stuck her tongue out at Edric, he groaned and went upstairs. "You guys need to stop fighting over stupid things" I said to Emira "he is doing stupid things like trying to keep the bat in the house!", I sighed "ok fine I'm going to go out in a bit so please no fighting when I get back", Emira nodded, I then went upstairs to change and take a shower. When I got out I brushed my hair and put on some comfortable clothes, I went down stairs and left the house to go meet Luz.

*At the owl house*

Amity walked to The owl house knocking on the door, no one answered for a bit, as she was waiting Hooty came out of the door, "HOOT HI", "Hooty scream in my ear again I dare you" Amity said annoyed. Hooty didn't want to annoy her anymore because he didn't want to get beat up by her again, as she was waiting she felt a sharp pain in her throat, her eyes flickered red for a moment, she decided to shrug it off since she didn't think much of it. While amity was at the door Eda opened the door, "oh hey kid what are you doing here" she said nervously, "I'm here to see Luz for a project we're working on at school", "well she's not feeling well so you can just come back another time" Eda closed the door but it was stopped by Amity "what's going on with you Eda you don't normally act like this what's wrong with her" Amity was starting to get a bit worried and mad "theres no way Luz could be sick within a day out of nowhere", Eda turned around "look kid I'm just gonna tell you the truth" Amity looked confused "She doesn't want to see you right now". Amity was shocked for what she said, "look I'm sorry if you think that she hates you or anything, she doesn't she just doesn't want to come back next time" Amity nodded and walked off. Amity the. Walked into the woods and hid there waiting for Eda to close the door, as she did Amity immediately ran to Luz's window and did an abomination to get up there, Amity looked threw the window seeing no one there, she then climbed into the window and slowly opened the door, she looked down the hallway and saw no one, she realized the basement door was left opened, she walked down seeing Luz in her wolf form chained to the wall, but it wasn't normal she had red eyes and it did not look like her normal form, Amity ran to Eda "Eda why do you have Luz chained downstairs?!" Amity yelled out to Eda. "Hey your not supposed to be he-" "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME WHY DO YOU HAVE HER CHAINED DOWNSTAIRS", Eda sighed, "listen kid her new form is developing and for her kind when getting that form they can't control it when they first transform she has been going wild since the last time you came and she told me to tell you that she doesn't want to have you see her like that, and not risk hurting you".

Amity was shocked and saddened "I understand" Amity replied, "will I be able to stay here just for a little bit at least you know see her before she loses it?", Eda agreed to let her stay for a bit and see Luz before she transforms completely, "Alright kid you can head down stairs I know you can be careful so I don't have to worry about you getting mauled". Amity then smiled and had head down the stairs to the basement, once she got there Luz was laying down on the blanket Eda probably put on the ground for her, Amity then walked slowly to Luz while se was turned around, "Luz.....?...It's me Amity...." Amity started to have flashbacks of what happened last time Luz lashed out on her.

When Amity was walking close to Luz, Luz immediately tackled her and growling at her, Amity now scared for her life started crying, but she wasn't yelling for help, it was like she expected that to happen.

Amity's POV

I there was on the floor tackled by Luz's wolf with her red eyes, I sat there crying, I know Luz was still in there, so I didn't yell for help. I looked at The wolf's cold red eyes. As I was laying there quiet her eyes softened, they turned back to her amber eyes, she then laid down next to me and placed her head onto me, I don't know how that happened but it felt like she knew it was me even when she wasn't in control...

{•Hey guys!, so very sorry that I have uploaded since April, school was ending soon so I had to focus on that till school ended. I end school in a couple days! So I'll be able to upload even more now, anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know it's a bit short, but it's all I had done on here, also I will now be writing my chapters 1,000 from now on since usually it'd be 1,500 or more so I wanted to make it easier for me to write multiple chapters for you guys to read. Anyways I'll stop wasting your time and I'll see you guys next week or in a couple days!•}

Little Ms Perfect And Her Wolf {•DISCONTINUED•}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora