{•Chapter 4•}

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The next morning Luz had woke up by King "Luz wake up time for school, your gonna be late" Luz then open her eyes "wait what time is it"?, King replied "oh it's almost 8" Luz eyes widened "what"!. Luz then jumped out of bed and ran downstairs "Eda why didn't you wake me up earlier"?!, Eda replied "sorry kid I was busy that's why I told king to wake you up", Luz then ran outside not wasting a second (school starts at 8:30 and it takes 15 mins to get there) Luz then shifted into her wolf form and ran fast. Luz made but noticed that she was quicker Luz then thought to herself "I'm faster now, I'm not surprised since Eda told me I'm developing a new form soon", Luz the. Shifted into her human form and walked into hexside.

As Luz was walking inside she saw Skara and the others, Luz tried to walk past them but they stopped Luz in her tracks "hey human" Skara said smirking "what do you want Skara", "I want you to leave this school, your not wanted her" Luz yelled out "I don't care what you say I'm not leaving"! Skara then smirked and used a fire spell "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, would you like to repeat that" Luz was a little frightened since she can't do magic neither can she turn into her wolf form, Luz then backed up until she was stopped by the feeling of the school lockers. Skara then slowly put the fire near her face which was hurting her a bit, then something stranger happened to Luz, her eyes turned amber and were glowing she then pushed Skara scar from her having Skara fall into her friends arms, Luz was then growling since her animal instincts were kicking in "I said leave me alone", Skara then yelled out "what the hell are you"!, Luz then realized that her claws were showing and her eyes changed, she ran to the bathroom and hid.

Amity soon saw what was going on and ran quickly to the bathroom to see what's going with Luz "L-Luz are you okay"?, Luz was crying knowing that people will know what she is, she was scared since she known there were hunters. Amity then touched her shoulder and Luz flinched and pushed her away "leave me alone"! Amity then realized that Luz was no longer human she knew who she really was "N-N is that you"? Luz's eyes widened and started stuttering her words "N-no I-I'm n-not" Amity's eyes softened and smiled a bit "it's ok if you are her I just wanted to know the truth of what was going on" Luz started sobbing and jumped into Amity's arms and held her, Amity blushed a bit but hugged her bad and they stood there for a bit to calm things down.

Willow's POV

I saw Amity run into the bathroom to go after Luz I then grew angry since Skara had hurt Luz, I was walking up to Skara until Boscha stopped me "babe it's not a good idea to go after Skara you know how she is". I then scoffed and backed away "I swear if I ever see her hurting Luz again-" Boscha then grabbed my hand and we went to class since we couldn't do anything.

Time skip to third period

Amity was holding Luz and brushing her fingers through her hair since it claimed Luz down, they sat there for a while since they had fallen asleep earlier "Luz we have to go to our classes we skipped two already", Luz then, groaned and gotten up "yeah, your right" Luz held out her hand to help Amity up, Luz and Amity then split up and went to there classes since the bell rang. When Luz got to class she saw Boscha and Boscha waved her hand so Luz and come sit over there, Luz then walked to the desk but everyone was whispering about her and staring at her, Luz didn't care anymore and walked to the desk, Luz then asked "why is everyone staring at me" Boscha replied "you didn't know?, a crowd saw what happened earlier", "I'm not surprised to be honest", Boscha with a worried look asked "Luz can you meet me and the others at our spot so we can talk about what happened, only if your comfortable in doing so", Luz sighed "yeah I'll tell you guys after school",

Time skip again to the end of school

As Luz was walking to there spot she was scared and nervous, she knew this would happen but she'd never thought it would happen this early. When Luz got there she saw Amity and the others with a worried look. "So you gonna tell us what happened earlier"? Boscha said.

Luz then replied and stuttered "y-yeah u-um....." Amity quickly spoke "you don't have to tell us if you don't want to-", "no I have to tell you guys it's too late to hide it any longer". Luz then took a deep breath "so basically, I'm..., a werewolf" Boscha and everyone else except Amity eyes had widened, Willow quickly replied "b-but I thought werewolves were extinct, there's no way you are a werewolf", Luz knew that they wouldn't believe her unless she showed them so what she did was, she shift into her wolf form showing them that she was one. Boscha then bursted out with laughter she then leaned over cooing Luz's form "awww does the wittle wolf wanna treat" Luz was annoyed a bit since she doesn't like to be teased like that. Luz then growled a bit giving her a warning, "alright, alright I'll stop" Boscha said quickly, Luz then shifted back with a annoyed look because of what Boscha did. "So there now you know Willow, Gus I know you'll hate me" Willow quickly replied and yelled out "why would we hate you for being a werewolf?", "because normally people hate or fear my kind so I assumed", Gus said with a soft tone "it doesn't matter what you are we're still your friends". Luz smiled and hugged them, "sooo now what?" Boscha said, "I don't know maybe we can chill here for a bit" Willow replied, Willow, Boscha and Gus went to their normal spot where they sometimes talk and eavesdrop on Luz and Amity. Luz followed Amity to their spot under a tree, Amity then sat down and opened her book, Luz was a little hesitant but she then sat her head on Amity's lap, Luz quickly noticed but loved that she did, she knew that she was N so she felt a lot more comfortable with Luz on her lap. Amity then brushed her fingers through Luz's hair once again while Luz closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

When the sun was going down Amity had to wake up Luz so she could get back home to make sure her sibling don't do anything stupid "hey Luz wake up" Luz groaned but opened her eyes and sat up "what happened?" Amity replied "you fell asleep and I have to go back to my house to make sure my sibling don't do anything stupid" Luz giggled and asked "hey are your parents home,? If not can I come over, because Eda and King won't be home all night tonight"? Luz was then a bit embarrassed since it sounded so sudden Amity quickly replied stuttering a bit "s-sure my parents are on a Business trip and they won't be home for another few weeks". Willow, Boscha, and Gus were already gone, Luz then got up and held out her hand to help Amity up, Luz the unexpectedly shifted into her wolf form and picked Amity up and had her on her back, it was easy picking her up since her wolf form was pretty big, Luz then ran through the woods to get to Amity's house.

Amity was holding onto Luz's fur while she was on her back, not long after they were at Amity's house, Amity then jumped off Luz's back and Luz had shifted back into her human form. Amity then walked through the front door and saw Em making out with her girlfriend, "can you guys not do that in the kitchen" Em was surprised to see her sis here this late but later responded "you'll soon be doing that with a special someone so shush" Em said smirking, "yeah, yeah whatever come on Luz" Luz then waved at Viney (Luz knew Viney before she went into school) Viney embarrassed was waving back.

Luz then followed Amity to her room, they then read Azura books and talked about fan fics and fantasies they both had read and watched. They soon both felt sleepy and Luz fell asleep on Amity, Amity willingly hugged Luz and slept with her, Emira then walked in to see what was Amity doing "hey mittens I-" Emira saw them both cuddling and Emira set out a small smile, she then walked in and grabbed a blanket and covered them with it. Emira whispered "sweet dreams love birds" smirking a bit, she then walked out the room closing the door behind her.

{•Hi everyone!, sorry this one was maybe a bit short once again school is being annoying, but I'll try my best to post more chapters as quick as I can. anyways hope you guys all have a great day/night!•}

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