{•Chapter 3•}

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In the morning the wind was breezing through the window, Amity had woken up by her alarm and saw how the wolf didn't leave. Amity had gotten up and went to go get ready for school, not long after Amity woke up Luz had woke up due that she didn't not feel a small patch of warmth on her.

Luz had gotten up herself and saw how Amity was taking a shower so she waited outside the door, Amity had her clothes with her so she changed in there. Amity then opened the door see Luz wagging her tail waiting, Amity chuckled softly and gave Luz a scratch under the chin. Luz did a soft purr which was weird since she was a wolf, it sounded like a human purr which Amity didn't notice. Amity then asked Luz something "hey are you a werewolf", Luz was hesitant for a bit but knew she could trust her so she nodded yes. "Can I know your name"?, Luz didn't want to tell her, her actual name so she nodded no, "can I know a name I can call you then" Luz nodded yes Amity replied "I'll go get a pen and paper". When Amity gotten her a pen and paper Luz wrote with the pen with her mouth since she doesn't have hands and her head was tilted she wrote a N (meaning for her last name) and which Amity questioned "N, I can call you N"? Luz nodded and wagging her tail. "Is that a name I could call you until you trust me" Luz once again nodded, "Mittens"? Amity heard someone call her and it was Edric and Emira "N you have to go", Amity then gave her a last scratch under the chin and then Luz headed off to the window and jumped out. Not long after Ed and Em opened the door "Mittens we need to ask you something" Amity with a angered tone replied "what is it" Ed and Em with a worried look asked "why was there a wolf in your room, you know how dangerous they are or can be" Amity with a more angered tone "the wolf isn't what you think she is, she is not a normal wolf ok now stop getting into my Business for once"!

The twins were a bit saddened since Amity has never been so defensive or mean to them in so long, "ok fine Amity we won't, we just care for you that's all, all you needed to tell us is that she wasn't dangerous". Amity's pointed ears when down since she felt bad that she yelled at them "I-I'm sorry I didn't know what came over me" the twins then responded "we know it's ok, you just wasn't in the right mind, come on let's head to school". Amity grabbed her bag and headed to school with them still feeling bad for what she did.

Luz was running back at the owl house before Eda knew she was gone, but it was already too late since Eda was awake. Luz then shifted into her human form and went into the house, Eda was sitting at the couch with a angered look "and where have you been Luz". Luz always knew Eda was mad if she called her, her actual name Luz was nervous and a bit scared since Eda didn't know about Amity and her meet when she was in her wolf form. Luz had no choice but to tell her "Eda I have been meeting someone...in my wolf form" Eda's eyes softened "why didn't you tell me that sooner" Luz nervously said "it's because I thought that you would be mad that I knew someone and have been meeting them in my wolf form, so I didn't want to tell you" Eda responded to her with a softened tone "listen kid i don't mind that happening it's just that the older you get your wolf form grows bigger and stronger into it's final form, soon you will have a time where you will have two wolf forms" Luz was surprised for what she said and said out nervously "w-what, how there's no way that can happen". Eda then responded "it can, that's how werewolves are, your second form will come when you are an adult and your current form will grow into a full sized wolf, haven't you been noticing that your form was bigger"? Luz said to her with a nervous tone "no I didn't"...Eda then sighed "as long as you don't get caught your okay now head off to school kid" Luz still with a nervous look opened the door and left. Hooty had stood quiet since he knew that this was a Serious situation so he just stood quiet to not interrupt anything, Luz then shifted into her wolf form to get to school faster.

When Luz got there she shifted back into her human form and walked inside, she then saw Amity and the others so she approached them "hey guys" they replied "hey"!, "so I was wondering if one of you guys can help me find my classes,because I don't know where they are since it's my first day" Boscha,Willow, and Gus all smirked and they all looked at Amity Boscha then cut the silence "I'm sure Amity would love to" Amity was startled "wait what"?! Amity's face went red. Willow then added "oh come on Amity help her get to her classes", Amity then scoffed "fine come on human" Luz was bit hesitant since she didn't expect Amity to be mad at her, (Luz thinks she's mad at her she's just flustered) Luz felt a little sad since she doesn't like to see Amity like this "hey it's ok you don't have to show me around I could get a teacher" Amity then responded "no I rather show you around since teachers are worse than a student". Luz was confused but shrugged it off

*time skip of when there last period is free period*

Amity and Luz had many classes together so they both walked to there spot with Boscha,Willow ,and Gus, Boscha and Willow sat together with Gus and they all were talking. Amity went to her spot sitting under a tree where she reads her book, Luz then asked Amity "hey can I sit next to you"? Amity nodded yes and Luz smiled then sat next to her, Luz was looking at Amity book but soon got tired. Luz then placed her head on Amity's shoulder, Amity noticed and blushed a bit but didn't mind it and kept reading her book. Boscha,Willow and Gus then saw them and they all smirked, Boscha then went to them "so how's you and your girlfriend Amity" Boscha was smirking Amity blushed a bit "she's not my girlfriend, now leave us be and go bother Gus and your girlfriend". Willow then shouted out "H-hey she's not my girlfriend" Amity replied "you sure because Gus and I not long ago saw you both kissing", Boscha was embarrassed "I knew we shouldn't have been there", "anyways I'm going back to read my book". "Fine whatever", Gus was laughing so hard since the way Boscha was acting when Amity called her out, Luz was still sleeping and then Luz soon put her head on Amity's lap, Amity was very red, Amity then thought to herself "oh my titan she's sleeping on my lap!, ok calm down just go with it" Boscha,Willow, and Gus knew what was happening "hey guys look Amity's having a gay panic" Boscha said smirking.

Amity, then calmed down, she then wanted to pet Luz's hair since it looked so soft, Amity then placed her hand on Luz's head and started rubbing her fingers through her hair, Luz let out a human purr which Amity noticed. Amity the thought to herself "that's the same sound N made when I gave a scratch under her chin, c-could she be N"? Amity thought that Luz could be N but didn't know for sure so she shrugged it off once again, not long after Amity was starting to get a little tired she then closed her eyes and fell asleep with Luz on her lap.

*Time skip to when they wake up*

Amity had woke up and looked down, she still saw Luz sleeping peacefully on her lap, she had to wake her since she had to get home "Luz wake up" Luz mumbled "five more minutes" Amity then raised her voice a little "Luz it's late we have to go". Luz then opened her eyes realizing that she was sleeping on Amity's lap, Luz gotten up quick "o-oh I'm sorry I didn't know I fell asleep on your lap" Luz was blushing a bit. Amity then set off a small smile "it's ok I just need to go back to my house", Luz then replied "oh sorry once again, I'll be heading off", Amity replied "alright cya Luz"! "cya Amity"!, Luz walked away still embarrassed that she just slept on Amity's lap but she also felt comfortable and safe. Luz then waited till she was in a spot to transform so she could get home quicker, when she was somewhere no one could see her she transform into her wolf form and ran back home.

When Luz got there she then shifted into her human form and walked inside, king then ran to Luz as she walked in the owl house "where have you been Luz, I missed you"!, Luz then opened her arms and hugged him "sorry I was...with someone" Eda then walked in "and who were you with"?, Luz then replied "only a friend", "ok and where were you last night"?, Luz then had to make a lie, since she hadn't told Eda that she meets Amity in her wolf form (Eda doesn't like the blights)  "I slept over my friends house sorry about that". Eda looked at Luz "Alright kid just tell me next time you leave", Luz then walked up stairs and went to her room, she then laid on her bed and went on her phone and watch shows and anime until she fell asleep again.

{•Hi everyone sorry that I'm a day late school has been annoying, anyways I hope you guys like this chapter, and I finally finished my own cover that I made, it took my a long time to do it, but I'm happy how it turned out anyways I'll see you guys next time!•}

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