{•Chapter 6•}

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Amity's POV

The morning sun was shining through the window, i had woken up and saw Luz i smiled and gotten up but Luz had grabbed me and pulled me closer to her and mumbled "don't leave....please". I was blushing so hard, "L-Luz did not just say and do that", i thought to myself. it was the weekend so i didn't have to worry about anything i then smiled and closed my eyes and held onto her as i slowly fell asleep.

Eda's POV

I was playing hexes hold'em against owlbert while King was sleeping besides me, I then heard the front door swing open "hoot hoot!, we have a guest!" Eda then looked over and saw Luz's mother "O-oh uh Camila I didn't think you'd be here so soon" I said stuttering. "Hello Edalyne is Luz here right now" Camila said, I then quickly replied "she's in her room sleeping I'm guessing", I then got up "I can show you to where her room is". I then went to go show her to Luz's room.

As Eda and Camila were walking towards Luz's room Eda had broke the silence "so how'd you be able to make it here", Camila then replied "I was set off work for a few months earlier than I expected so I headed her like I said I would", "well as least you'll get to spend time with your daughter" Eda replied. "Eda, did you enroll Luz to hexside like I asked?", Eda replied "yeah i did she wasn't fond of it at first but likes it a bit now". By the time she finished talking they were at Luz's door, Eda then knocked on the door "hey kid you up?, your mothers here".

Luz's POV

I was woken up by the sound of knocking on my door, I looked over seeing Amity sleeping in my arms, I smiled I the asked "who is it?". "Kid it's me your mother is here to see you", my eyes widened I then thought to myself "oh no, she can't know that Amity is here", I then quickly got up trying my best not to wake Amity up. I then ran to the door and opened it, I closed it before they could see Amity, "hey mom", I said smiling, I then gave her a hug.

"Hey Miya it's been a while", Luz then replied "it really has, mami wanna cook in the kitchen with me and king today?" Luz said nervously smiling, "of course Miya, come on". Luz then let go of her, "I'm gonna be there in a bit I'm gonna go shower", Eda was looking at her raising a brow, Luz notice and let out a nervous chuckle. Luz then went inside her room and closed the door, She then set out a sigh of relief, She knew that Eda hated the Blights for some reason but she didn't know why. Luz didn't want to wake up Amity nor did she want Eda to find out that she's been seeing a blight, Luz then thought to herself "maybe if I can go into my wolf form I can put her on my back and bring her home. Her wolf form was even more bigger and stronger so it became way easier, Luz then turned into her wolf form and try to put Amity on her back but was unsuccessful since she can't put her on her back unless Amity herself does, so what Luz did was shift back into her human form and picked Amity up and held her in her arms, Luz then climbed out the window and started running since the blight manor was far and she couldn't run as fast as her wolf form in her human form.

(Time skip to when she gets to the blight manor)

When Luz got there she then climbed into Amity's window to her bedroom, She then walked to Amity's bed, Luz then placed Amity on her bed "Duerme bien mi amor (Sleep well my love)" Luz said to Amity quietly. She then heard Amity's door open and quickly jumped out of the window because she didn't know who is could be and it could possibly be her mother or father. But it wasn't it was Emira, Emira open the door to check on Amity, while she came in she saw a glimpse of Luz jumping out, Emira eyes widened for a second before going to Amity, Emira then moved her and tried to wake her up, "Mittens wake up" she whispered. Emira knew she wasn't gonna wake up so she just left the room and decided to wait.

*At the owl house*

Luz walked in and Hooty then greeted her causing her to jump "Dios tiens que parar eso!"(Jeez you need to stop that!), "Sorry Hoot Hoot", Luz then went inside seeing Eda and Camlia were staring at her Camila looked mad while Eda didn't care and drank some appleblood, Luz remembered that she left through the window and forgot to go through there. "and where were you mija", Luz gulped and tried to think of a lie, "u-um i just went for a run that's all" Luz said nervously, Camlia replied "well next time tell me okay", Luz let out a sigh of relief. She then asked "hey mom can i have some friends over", Camila replied "This isn't my house ask Eda", Luz then asked Eda and she said yes but later not now, Luz then smiled and pulled out her phone.

Group chat:Guys,Gals, and Non-binary pals :)

(Luz made the name)

Luz: Hey guys anyone wanna come over the owl house to hang out later?

Willow: sure Luz i can come!

Boscha: i'm able to come over later

Gus: yeah sounds fun!

Boscha: Is Amity gonna be there?

Luz: I'm not sure she hasn't replied in the group chat yet she's probably still sleeping

Boscha: It's like 12:00 pm how can she still be asleep?

Willow: we'll never know Boscha -_-

Gus: she probably is sleeping with Luz

Luz: wha- no she isn't she's at her house

Boscha: Luz just admit it you like her


Willow: yeah she definitely does XD


Boscha: I-

Willow: ....

Gus: she got yeah good XD

Luz: HA

Boscha: ya know what im just gonna go....

Willow: same.......

*the blight manor*

Amity had woke up and it was 12:40 pm (its a sunday btw) Amity then realized that she was at her house, she then thought to herself "Luz probably brought me back here while I was asleep". Amity then got up and grabbed some cloths to change into, she then went to the bathroom to shower.

When Amity got out dressed she bumped into Edrick, "hey mittens where have you been?" he said smirking, "that's none of your business Edrick", Edrck replied "Aw~ come one tell me where you've been Mittens, You got a crush?", Amity then blushed in embarrassment, She then grunted and walked off down stairs. When Amity had gotten down stairs she saw her father, Alador then looked at Amity.

(Amity's father's name is Alador for those who don't know which most of you do know but some don't)

"Where have you've been young lady", Amity replied "I-I was at a friends house and came back home that's all", "and who is this friend of yours?", "I was at Boscha's father don't worry", Alador obviously didn't believe that, "Amity i am not like your mother if your going to someone's else house like that human's i don't care just hope your mother doesn't find out", Amity was surprised and relieved. "how did you know about me and the Luz?', "Boscha told me, because she mostly knows that i'm not like your mother. anyways just remember not to tell the twins, you know how they are". "y-yeah, anyways i'm going to be in the living room".

{Hi everyone!, once again sorry for the delay i'll try my best to post another chapter by next Monday, anyways just a heads up i made Amity's dad a cool and chill one but a little strict, because why not and because i wanted Amity to have some love for at least one of her parents, also the reason i made Camila come to visit earlier than what you guys probably expect was because i wanted to put the Latina mom in the book more, anyways if you guys have any questions say them in the comment and i will happily respond back when i can. anyways hope you all have a good day/night.}

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