{•Chapter 9•}

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Luz's POV

I didn't like vampires what I've been told is that they've have attacked my father's pack and him which angered me, the fact of how the vampire looked familiar made it worse she seemed like they have met before but I know that couldn't be possible, I need to stop thinking about her I agreed that I'd forget she's there, I'll just go back to my dads house and ask him about vampires, and maybe asks about me somehow getting a new form.

*Time skip to the end of school*

Amity, Luz and the others were taking until they all parted ways Amity stopped Luz "I know where your going Luz are you really going to ask your dad?", Luz was shocked that Amity knew what she was thinking in class "how'd you know?" Luz asked back "I used a spell to read your mind because I knew you would do something like this", "so what your gonna stop me?" Luz said looking mad a bit "no, actually I wanna come with you, I don't wanna go back home and deal with Ed and Em", Luz agreed to let Amity come.

*Time skip again to when they get there*

When Luz and Amity got there Amity looked in confusion "uh Luz, there's nothing here", Luz laughed at Amity while Amity just stood there in confusion "that's how the spell works Amity, watch this". Luz held out a weird looking key and Luz unlocked something, Amity looked at the giant gate that was not visible to her "Luz wouldn't some people see this in the forest this place is big", Luz chucked "no one can see it, when I hold the key I can choose who can see the gate to the portal". Not long after a moment of silence Amity and Luz walked in the gate and saw the portal, Luz ran to the portal and she shifted into her wolf form, Luz then placed her paw on some keyhole that fit her paw perfectly, right after that the portal opened, Amity walked to the portal while Luz walked near her in her wolf form.

When both walked in Luz had shifted back into her human form, Luz and Amity were walking to a big house, when Luz and Amity walked in they saw a small young girl run at Luz "sissy!", Luz then opened her arms and hugged her Amity's jaw dropped "w-wait hold on just a second, you have a sister?!" "yeah her name is Millie, it's a long story" Luz said back, Mille then looked at Amity "are you sissy's girlfriend?", Amity just realized what the little girl said and was red as a tomato, Luz was also red of what she said "no, no Millie she isn't my girlfriend" Luz said laughing nervously, "I wish she was" Luz thought to herself. "Hey Millie where's dad?" "oh daddy is in his office" Millie said back "what about your mom?" "I was playing toys with her till I heard you at the door", not long after they heard someone walking in the hallways "Millie where did you run off to now". Mille then yelled out "mommy I'm over here!", her mother then sighed in relief "there you are darling", Millie's mom then looked at Luz "oh aren't you Aran's first born?" "yes I am I came here to see my father ,Millie told me where he is, I'll be heading off now". Luz and Amity then walked into her fathers office, "hey dad" "oh hey Miya didn't expect you to be here, and who is that behind you?" Aran said back, "oh this is Amity, Amity Blight" Arans eyes widened "does she have a twin sister?", Arab said in concern "yes I do but she doesn't live with us I don't even recognize her at all, she left when I was about 3-4 years old", Aran then got up and started smelling Amity "Dad what are you doing?", Luz asked Aran stayed silent for a bit "she doesn't reek of vampire like her family does she only partly does", Amity looked concerned "wait, wait what do you mean I smell partly like a vampire, I'm a witch there's no way I can be" "Amity it could be possible remember when I attacked you in the restroom?", "yeah.." "that have must been the reason why I attacked you in the first place, your scent wasn't entirely like a normal witch's but I didn't bother to even care" Luz said back, "Amity your family is known to be a vampires I knew your father but he wasn't a vampire, his wife was", "wait so you mean-", "yes you could possibly be half vampire". "My twin sister and I haven't seen each other in so long and the only vampire that has been known to me was the girl at school", "Amity so you mean that, Amelia could be your lost twin" Luz asked, "Possibly but we don't exactly know" Amity said back "that must've explain about her scent, it spelled a lot like yours not entirely but somewhat". "Girls we can discuss this next time I want you two to get information about the girl at school to be sure if she is your twin or not, and if she is dangerous" "ok dad" Luz said back.

(This idea popped in my head, big thanks to Avthen search up there profile for there own fanfics they've wrote if you'd like)

*Time Skip to when they leave*

Amity was looking so frightened of what she had heard, Luz then put her hand on her shoulder "hey Amity it's ok I won't hate you even if you are" Luz said smiling, they then walked out the portal, Luz then shifted into her wolf form, Amity then smiled and hopped on and held onto her fur. Without hesitation Luz ran through the woods while Amity was holding on her for dear life, "Luz slow down!", Luz then stopped in her tracks to a sight she was seeing, Amity then looked at what Luz was looking at, and through a window they saw Lilith Clawthorne at the owl house.

Amity looked at Luz and saw that Luz was furious, she then grunted signaling Amity to get off her, when Amity had gotten off her Luz shifted back into her human form. Luz walked in the owl house ignoring Hooty, "Eda what is she doing here?!", "relax kid I know what she did in the past and I know your still not happy with it, but she's going to be living here from now on", "WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS" "yes I am serious, and if your going to be yelling at me because of it just head to your room". Luz with a angered look ran up to her room and slammed the door, "how can she trust her after everything she's done to us, she cursed Eda and almost hurt King and me" Luz thought to herself, "but then again she then cursed herself by sharing the curse with Eda" she thought again Luz realized that she left Amity out in the woods, Luz then jumped out her window and ran to Amity. "What was all that yelling, you don't have to say", "I just lashed out at Lilith and Eda I shouldn't have, but never mind that let's get you home" Luz then shifted into her wolf form and Amity hopped on her back.

Not long after Luz and Amity were at the gates of the Blight manor, Amity hopped off of Luz, Amity then gave Luz a little scratch under the chin as an goodbye, Luz then waited till Amity got inside the Blight manor, when Amity went inside Luz then ran back home to the owl house.

{•I will be posting chapter 10 in like a a couple of minutes :D•}

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