{•Chapter 1•}

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{•before you start the book I want to clarify that I changed the ship to Huntlow (hunter x Willow) because 2020-2021 me thought boschlow was ok when It's bad💀, anyways if Boscha is mentioned in any way I'm talking about Hunter, cause I don't want to go through all 11 chapters to change Boscha's name to Hunter, so I'm saying this instead for any new readers reading this story.•}

Amity was laying in bed crying hearing her parents fight once again, she then stopped crying and snuck outside through the window,she took her Azura book and ran off to her hiding place in the woods. Amity sighed ""with relief and went inside her tent. She then casted two light spells so she could see and read her book.

"Eda i'm heading out for a run"! Luz said, Eda then replied "alright kid don't get spotted alright"! "I won't"! Luz replied. Luz then shifted into her wolf form and ran into the woods, she always went into the woods in her form every other night and went on to a run.

Luz was running and exploring until she smelled a unknown scent. She then continued to sneak to the scent she smelled and then saw a tent with a girl inside. "What?, Since when does anyone go into the woods at night"?. Luz then went inside slowly.

Amity saw Luz walking and gasped, Luz was startled and her ears went down and her tail went between her legs. Amity then pulled her hand out and said "Hey it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you", Luz than placed her head on the witch's hand and the witch gave her a scratch under the chin. "She seems nice" Luz though in her mind, Luz then put herself on the witch's lap and closed her eyes. Luz felt safe and warmth for the first time in a while, she didn't how because she just met the witch. "Your pretty big for a dog, you must be a wolf" Luz then nodded yes and amity's eyes softened "Well your pretty calm for a wolf" "I just don't get why my parent fight all the time", "they always want me to be little ms perfect but I don't want to". The wolf then whimpered a little for what amity said, Amity then pet the wolf soft fur. Amity then proceeded to read her book.

Later on Amity then remembered that she'd had to go back home "hey girl I haft to go" Luz whimpered but gotten up so the witch can get up herself. The witch then gave Luz one last scratch under the chin before she went. The witch then said to the wolf "want to meet her tomorrow"? Luz's tail wagged and nodded yes, The witch then smiled and ran off back home.

Luz then ran off back to the owl house and shifted back into her human form. She quietly tried to open the door but then a circular tube came out of the door "Hya Luz"! "Shush hooty it's late". Eda then opened the door and said "Where have you been you were gone longer than I thought", Luz then apologized to Eda. "Sorry Eda I lost track of time" Luz said nervously, "Alright kid just get inside you had be a bit worried", Luz then apologized again "Sorry Eda". Luz didn't want to tell her about the witch she met in the woods, Luz then went upstairs to her room and fell into her bed with King and fell asleep.

Amity was rushing back home realizing that she'd lost track of time, it was almost 2 in the morning. Amity then climbed back into her room through the window so no one knew that she went out, Amity then sighed "Now I can sleep" Amity then thought about the wolf she saw in the woods "That wolf is really gentle and comforting, normal wolves don't do that tho". Amity was still wondering about the wolf's actions towards her. She then just shrugged it off and fell asleep in bed.

{Hi everyone once again this is my first fan fic so please bare with me,sorry that it was a bit short, the next chapter will be longer. I will be posting one chapter every week but sometimes I will post two chapters in the same week anyways hoped you enjoyed this chapter see you next time!}

Little Ms Perfect And Her Wolf {•DISCONTINUED•}Where stories live. Discover now