{•Chapter 2•}

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The next morning King had woke up and went downstairs, "King go wake up Luz I need to tell her something, her mother called me to tell her something".King then went up stairs and went to wake up Luz. "Luz wake up", Luz replied "what is it king"? "Eda wanted me to wake you up for something" Luz then stretched out her arms and went downstairs to ask her what she wanted, "Yes Eda"?

"Your mother wanted me to tell you that she's enrolling you into hexside since you can't be at a normal human school anymore", Luz was shocked for what she said "what"?!,"You've got to be kidding me"! Eda was kind of finding it funny that she was mad but then told her "Luz it's either you go to school or deal with your mother, and you know how she gets", Luz was still mad but shrugged it off "when do I start school then"?, Eda replied "you'll be starting tomorrow" Luz was looking at her and said "fine whatever I'm going out for a bit". Eda knew she was mad but didn't care because she used to hate school to herself so she understood, "Alright kid just don't transform in front of anyone", "yeah I know I've been doing this for a half a year now".

Luz then opened the door and a circular tube came out of the door greeting Luz "Hiya Luz good morning"! Luz got startled a bit "Hooty warn me next time you come out of nowhere",Hooty then replied "Sorry Luz hoot hoot" Luz then walked out and when around town. It had been an hour or so and Luz then thought that if she's going to school might as well see it before she starts classes, she then proceeded to find the school. After searching for not that long she went inside and looked around "this place is cool but still dumb now I haft to learn spells" Luz said to herself she then stumbled across a group, she looked at the group and her eyes widened. She saw the green haired witch and one other with her,"come on you gotta tell me what you did yesterday", Amity replied "Boscha I already told you nothing happened", "but you weren't even home the twins told me you left through your window" Amity was shocked of how the twins even knew she was gone. "How did the Ed and Em know I left"?!, boshca replied "Oh!, they went to your room to comfort you for something and they saw you gone so they assume you left to get some fresh air, they checked every 20 minutes to see if you came back until they fell asleep themselves", "Well that makes sense of why they looked worried in the morning" Amity thought to herself.

Luz looked over surprised still at the sight of the green haired witch "I-it's her she goes here"? Luz was a little excited until she realized that the green haired witch only knew her in her wolf form, "I guess I'll have to try to make friends with her during school, or maybe now".Luz then thought to herself "maybe I shouldn't" Luz then walked off but bumped into someone "agh"!, "oh are you okay"? Luz looked up and saw a blue haired witch with a younger witch, the blue haired witch then held out her hand to help her up. Luz held her hand to get up "sorry that I bumped into you",the blue haired witch replied "it's no worries it was just an accident" Luz then smiled because not everyone would be nice to her if she bumped into someone or just even be near her.

Luz then thought to herself "maybe I could be her friend", "I'm Luz by the way it's nice to meet you" the blue haired witch replied "I'm Willow nice to meet you, oh and also I some other friends I'm going to right now we're all on free period, wanna come"? Luz was shocked that she was invited by someone she just met but was also happy. Luz then replied "Sure", "follow me I'll take you where we go all the time"! Luz proceeded to follow her and when she got there it looked like the green haired witch's place in the woods but a little more different. "Hey guys"! Willow yelled out at the other three, Luz looked at the other three and was very shocked, it was the green haired girl and two others, "guys I would want you to meet someone", Amity looked at Luz with a mean glare "Willow who is this human"?, Willow replied "this is Luz Amity meet Luz and the other two names are Boscha, and Augustus" Boscha and Augustus replied "Hey" Luz thought to herself "Amity huh?, that's a pretty name". Willow then went to Boscha and Augustus.

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