In another foray...

"How long can you keep this up?! You're going against your wife, your friends and allies and your movement. You can only do so much with your Arts. I thought that you could only heal with them, not hurt people."


"That doesn't matter. How many bombs have you planted this time?"

"I've planted a few dozen. Rigged most of them along the walls -but those blew already. I have a bit more... in a bunch of tunnels, beneath a few homes..."


"Beneath a few homes? Are they empty?"

"Probably. Lots of people fled before I even got a chance to see them. Bunch of the new Reunion soldiers evicted them real fast. It's shame that they've been forced out. They could have just asked nicely."

"Are they anywhere near us?"

"Just in the areas by the boundaries of this city sector. It's a last resort, so everybody gets trapped. Cool isn't it?"


With a swing of an arm, a blade almost reached it's victim until-


A bullet dug into the Draco's throat, but something miraculously saved him. He held his blade centimeters away from W's face; its very glint flashed in her eyes. She had a wide grin, filled with shiny teeth, and bright lips. She gripped a detonator tightly in her hand; dirt and grime covered her fingers. 

Kaiser Rye pulled his blade away, and took a few steps back. His outfit was all ripped; his scarf turned into thin, torn shreds. He took it off, revealing dark, grotesque clusters of crystals protruding from his neck. He used his fingers and plucked out the bullet lodged into his throat.

"Not the first time I've been shot," He remarked. "And it won't be the last."

"Well this will," W showed him the detonator in her hand. 

The Draco suddenly attacked her, jumping over her body, and grappled her by the arms. Then he turned his entire body around, wringing his arm and her neck going for a chokehold. Then he grabbed her wrist, twisted it, letting her detonator drop.

"Hey! You can't-" But she was too late.

Kaiser Rye grabbed her by the collar and drove his blade into the device; the detonator was cleaved in two. He looked at the Sarkaz in the eye and gave a hostile glare. All he received was a grin - a wide creepy grin. 

"I've had enough of this charade," He stated. 

"Well you sure did spend a long time with me, I'm satisfied," W replied.


"Guess it's goodbye for now!" The Sarkaz kicked herself off of his body.


A mortar shell landed near their them. The shrapnel dug into the Draco's side, piercing his body. He instinctively used his Arts and created a barrier around him deflecting the incoming onslaught of bombs. Countless deafening roars shook the slums as mortar fire rained down from above.  

"Ah shit!" Kaiser Rye cursed as he tried to endure the pain bursting from his body. 

He clenched his fist, channeled his Arts through his arm, and started healing his wounds - but it wasn't healing quick enough; blood continued to drip. His barrier slowly began to falter, weakening him further. The mortars stopped raining down for a brief moment; he used the opening to flee from the area. 

Along the way, the ground was stained by a dark red and bright white. The Draco's blood started turning into a warm mist, steaming from his body, until seals of light closed his wounds shut. His arms started emitting a dangerous . He took a break to replenish his energy. With his back against a pile of steel, he sighed.

"Mortar fire... the Guerrillas..." His breaths were strained, and his strength was depleted, but he had to go on. 

He picked his legs back up, and started heading towards the edge of the slums. The roads were rendered unusable from the mortar fire. Not far off in the distance, a chant could be heard, a battle-cry. Invigorated soldiers with swords and mortars in their arms entered the ruined battlefield. Patriot, leader of the Guerrillas, marched forward before he came to a stop.

Across from them was Kaiser Rye, who wiped his jaw with his bare hands. Patriot glared at him.

"Kaiser Rye," The Wendigo uttered.

"You're not getting past me," The Draco proclaimed.

"You're body, looks broken."

"It is. Took a beating from your mortars."

"Stand down."

"Never. I'm not standing down Patriot."

"Then I have no choice, but to kill you."

"Isn't it funny how we attack our friends as much as our enemies?"

"Relations, are always strained, in times of hardship."

Unable to respond to such a bizarre answer, Kaiser Rye drew his blade. Patriot stabbed his spear into the ground and roared. The toughest battle yet, has commenced...


 (A/N): Thank you for reading!

NOTE: Originally named: "Engage"

- If you didn't know, I created my own thumbnails - although they're just edited images - and I'll be using them for my story now! - The thumbnails will give a hint on who will be in the chapter and where it will take place!

- Hope you like em!

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