Being dragged like a rag doll via a rope was not fun. However, I didn't want to let go. I didn't want to leave Annabeth. 

"Percy, you're getting hurt," Annabeth shouted at me.

The plane creaked as the legs of the flight extended upwards. They'd take off soon, and they'd leave me behind. Or, I'd be hanging in the sky. 

"Wise Girl, I'm not leaving you," I shouted with determination.  

My hand tightened around the rope so that I wouldn't lose my grip. My chest and abdomen were burning. The speed was too much for my padded vest, which had shredded down. Gunshots were still firing around me, but the noise drowned out. 

I groaned as I looked up at Annabeth again. Tears escaped my burning eyes. 

"Come find me," Annabeth shouted. 

"No, NO, Annabeth, don't you dare," I shouted as my eyes locked onto hers. She was practically laying on the floor of the plane because the cargo door was almost closed. 

"I'm sorry, Percy. Come find me," Annabeth exclaimed again. 

Suddenly, Annabeth let go of the rope. 

The effect was immediate. I went rolling on asphalt from the sudden momentum. My body screamed out in pain as I came to a stop. 

Annabeth had disappeared on the plane because the door had closed. 

I quickly got to my feet, but my legs crumbled before I could run after the plane again. All of that happened in a few seconds, but it felt like so long. 

Come find me. Ugh, I hated those words. 

Now, I understood how bad and painful those words were. I didn't want to find her because I always wanted to be with her. 

I laid on the floor in sadness as I watched the terrorist plane and my Wise Gril fly away. My fists pounded on the floor as I cried and groaned from the physical and emotional pain. 

Sirens whistled around me as my senses came back. 

I was immediately hoisted up and smashed against a van. The Greek policeman was strong as he held me down at gunpoint. 

"Stop, it's me. Agent Percy Jackson from Lake Valor USA," I identified. 

"You're a terrorist," he shrieked. he pressed the barrel of his gun sharply against my head. Everything hurt as I coughed out blood. 

My chest and abdomen were burning and bleeding. 

My entire body was dragged by the rope, but the sole friction points against the ground were my chest, stomach, and thighs. My padded vest, two shirts, and pants were crumbled and my skin was brushed and burned deeply. 

"Stop, I'm Percy Jackson," I said as I removed my mask. 

"Officer, please unhand my agent," Chiron exclaimed as he got out of a black van. Gods, it felt so good to see my teacher again. 

Jason and Thalia sprinted towards me and caught me before I fell over. 

"Oh gods, Percy, are you okay?" Jason asked. 

Thalia shook her head and blinked away tears as she held me up. However, my vision was clouding as Annabeth took over my mind. Jason and Thalia were firmly holding me up. 

Regardless of their help, darkness consumed me. 


I woke up suddenly and immediately sat up, but that was a huge mistake. Pain exploded in my abdomen, and I fell back onto the bed. 

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