The cargo trucks left with the nucs, and Piper set off the discharge a few minutes afterward. The warehouse opened on the east and west sides, so any soldiers inside would be looking out to that side. After all, the generator discharge was fairly loud. 

"Let's go," Jason said sharply. 

This is where training came in handy. We all were practically experts at physical exercises like climbing, running, and combat. 

We were hiding behind some crates in the warehouse in no time. 

Agent Clarisse and Beck dispersed to the right while Jason and I traveled to the right. We were hiding behind some empty boxes, so hopefully, no soldiers come near. 

My heart was racing with adrenaline and heat. It was hot in here. 

"Annabeth, there's actually a lot of soldiers," Jason whispered. "We can't fight all of them if we're caught, so we gotta stay hidden." 

I nodded in agreement and confirmation came from Chiron as well. They could probably see everything via thermal sensors that picked up on heat signatures. 

"There are a lot more bombs in here," I whispered. 

"Yeah, the cargo trucks probably only carry a fifth of the bomb capacity with each run. The warehouse is still 50 percent filled with munitions," Jason accounted. 

Since Jason was a soldier, he had way more experience with scoping details. 

The warehouse was mostly a large room. There were empty crates and wood around the border of the brick warehouse. The middle of the room had all of the bombs in stacks. 

Two paths were cleared to allow transport of soldiers and bombs to the warehouse exits on the east and west sides. 

We were hiding closer to the west side. 

"Jason, there are a few rooms on the north side. That's where I would expect leaders or prisoners to be kept," I said. 

We both knew that I was talking about Percy. 

Jason nodded as we both started walking quietly towards the north side. Our guns were drawn just in case we ran into trouble. 

However, the terrorists in the room were simply lounging around. They seemed to have a long day of hauling boxes. Of course, that was making our job easier. 

"All right, I'll take those rooms over there," Jason said pointing ways down the north wing. 

I knew what Jason was doing. He was taking the harder job, considering those rooms were farther away and more exposed. 

However, we didn't have time to argue, so I nodded and he continued walking. 

I silently opened the nearest door, but it was just a closet. Maybe, I was wrong about these rooms being important. 

I sucked in a breath suddenly and leaned against the nearest barrel. A soldier walked past me, and he was so close. I let out a breath of relief after he walked away. 

I silently walked towards the next door. 

The path was pretty clear and well-hidden behind empty crates. I was assuming that this room was yet another closet. 

However, as soon as I opened the door, a hand grabbed my wrist. Before I can even think, the soldier yanked me into the darkroom. 

I staggered a little bit but didn't fall. I whirled around, and my elbow struck into his abdomen hard. Then, I jumped and kicked his masked face. 

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