Angelo "Capone" Moretti is the second son and would eventually assume his place within the La Cosa Nostra family. But after his oldest brother died from an unsanctioned hit by a member of the Lucchese family, he swore to his father that he'd never commit to the family.

Capone bought a motorcycle and left New York, riding west. He had no plan or any idea about where his life was going, but he knew he couldn't stay in New York. After a year of dusting the highways with his Harley, he ended up in Reno. One drunken night at Lotus 8 would lead Capone to his new family.

"My son has made it known that he wants to be the don when I retire," Giancarlo began explaining, "However, Nicholas is my firstborn and to be honest much more responsible than Enzo." "I have to ensure the safety and well-being of the family and I can't guarantee that with Enzo." He stated.

Axle raised an eyebrow towards the others. The look on their faces confirmed they were all thinking the same thing. Enzo was making a power move in Reno while having a family dispute with his father.

"I can't tell you why Enzo is in Reno." "All I can say is that he's trading on the family name," Giancarlo revealed. "The Genovese family have had a long history in Nevada, especially Las Vegas and Reno." "They have business ventures with the MGM Casino," Carmine informed them.

Giancarlo got up from his seat. He leaned on his chair for support. "Whatever Enzo is doing in Reno is not authorized by the family," He began, "My family and 3 other mafia families conflict with the Lucchese family and I can't afford to have my son causing me problems that can interfere with that."

Before Axle could ask questions, Blake quickly chimed in. "Does the name Carlos Montoya ring a bell for you?"

Axle looked at Giancarlo hoping his answer would be yes. The mafia don shook his head. "What about Enrique Salazar?" Capone followed up.

Now that name got a response from the two gentlemen. "Figilo, what is your business with Salazar?" Carmine asked his son. "A hitman with ties to Salazar hurt a member of our family," Axle told them.

Giancarlo recognized the pained expression behind Axle's eyes. He knew the family member Axle spoke of was Charlie. "Watch yourself with Salazar." "Unlike us, the cartel has no honor, no moral compass, they will hurt, brutalize, and kill anything or anyone that gets in their way," Giancarlo warned.

Giancarlo motioned towards the man in the gray suit, who walked up and handed the old man a note. "If Enzo becomes more of a problem than you can handle, go and see this man," giving Axle a piece of paper, "You have my support; I will inform the family no harm comes to you or your family while dealing with my son," Giancarlo promised.

The mafia don exits the room leaving them with Carmine. "I am worried son," Carmine sounding weary, "The cartels are absolute savages." "Do you think Enzo is working with Salazar?" He asked.

"I'm not sure papa," Capone asked honestly.


Silence ensued in the common area as everyone was uncomfortable in hearing the heated argument upstairs between Bas and Piper. At one point you could hear something being thrown and crashing.

"Piper, calm the fuck down!" Bas shouted, trying to restrain his girlfriend from throwing something else. "No, I will do no such thing!" She yelled back, shoving him away from her. She grabbed his helmet from the corner of the room and threw it at him.

Bas ducked his head dodging the oncoming object. "Have you lost your Goddam mind!" He marched towards where she was standing. Bas wrapped his arms around her waist and threw her on the bed. He got on top trapping her body between his legs and pinned her hands above her head.

Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now