Escape from the dark lands

Start from the beginning

I turn to Aaarrrggghhh who is still a statue, Reality hit me once again as I remember that my friend is no longer with us.

I sigh: No you're right that plan would not work the share of staff can't open a portal to the dark lines so how does someone go into the Dark lands to rescue the troll hunter when person need to trollHunter to open the bridge. Quandary is confounding, Think blinkers think

I hear voices coming from behind me I turn around to see that it is the rest of my friends Toby, Claire Mary and Darci. Tobias seems miserable understandable since his best friend is still missing and he's lost his suppose it wingmen. The girls however look absolutely drained of life Mary looks like she hasn't eaten in days Darci looks like she hasn't slept well either and Claire looks as pale as a ghost (oh quick FYI Aja isn't here because of reasons don't worry she'll appear in the next one)

Claire: any luck blink?

I answer truthfully: as usual I am full of plans booked a working one I have yet to discover, how about you Tobias any luck with the fetch?

Tobias has his head in the fetch then he pulls out answer my question: i've been sticking my head through this thing all over the town and all I see is Darklands no sign of Jim however I have been leaving him some food to let him know that we haven't given up and give him some nourishment, how about you Mary any word from angor about the cure for creeper sun

It took a minute from Mary to answer: He messaged me this morning with the phone I gave him that he's got three more ingredients to find before we can make the cure, Darci how's things looking at school is anyone getting suspicious with Jim's absence

The poor girl yawns she rubs her eyes: no no one is the wiser thanks to Miss Lakes claim that he is ill with the chickenpox so that's working

Tobias leans back into stone aaarrrggghhh: this is hopeless isn't it we never going to find him

I pat Tobias on the back and grab his attention: As my brother wants said even the word hopeless isn't void of hope (I said that part in English because I don't want to have to spell out troll language ok)

The girl smiles slightly I'm happy to see that I managed to cheer up a little bit: if there is an answer to saving master Jim then it is in my library we must keep looking.

We will continue looking for what feels like hours until we hear the horn of the tribunal oh dear what is the tribunal doing here, we all race out to see the tribunal arrive. Toby tried to say hello to his  quagawump friend only for her to growl at him clearly disgusted, understandable since Tobias liked her about being the king and that species of trolls is known for holding a grudge.

I run up to vindel: Who summoned the tribunal?

Vindel: The tribunal summoned themselves the word of the Trollhunters foolish actions to go into the dark lands alone has spread like the plague on black plague Friday and now they're calling for the destruction of killer head bridge

Claire in a panic Runs in front of the leader of troll market: but if they destroyed the bridge Jim won't be able to come back he'll be stuck there forever

Vindel: I am aware of that which is why I'm trying to stop it from happening come blinkers

I follow quickly behind the tribunal the children Try to follow us but the guards soon stop them this is not good master Jim is running out of time


I am appalled with what I am hearing the tribunal wish to make the bridge master tunes tunes and they don't seem to care what happens to the poor boy

I speak my opinion as loudly as I could: I am ashamed at what I am hearing monster Jim was right we have lost our nerve our warrior spirit. Master Jim actions maybe rash and impulsive but at least he has the backbone to go through with them, How many times has he shown our kind of Mercy even though he had no reason to in his short time of being troll Hunter he has already defeated enemy that have killed more skilled Trollhunters than him he even turned angor rot The hunter of Trollhunters into his ally, he has met with One of the arcane order and is now part of the ancient legend that is been talk to all of us thousands of times and you wish to banish the boy to his death. I know we are frightened of the enemy that lies beyond that bridge, but I demand that we go after I will troll Hunter and finish the fight we should've finished centuries ago

Gatto: very moving blinkers but who's to say that your trawl Hunter isn't secretly a working for the Janice order and he went into the dark land to free Gunnar himself

How dare that monster try to soil the name of Master Jim, I was about to say something but then an ice ball hits Gatto from behind me I turn around to see the troll hunting team behind me and the girls look absolutely furious

Mary looks like she's about to explode with anger: don't you dare try to say that Jamie is working for the enemy you're just upset that you couldn't figure out his riddle

Claire looks like she's about to murder someone: you're the one who said he has to answer every call and guess what he's answering a call right now it just entitles him to go into the dark lands

Darci I can see the fire burn up on her skin and through some pieces of her clothes: so if you think we're gonna let you close that bridge you've got another thing coming

The guards tried to grab the children and drag them away at the order of the Queen, but I speak up: you can't beat them from these meetings they deserve to be heard if you do this you may as well do the same to me

Everyone looks at each other and I can tell that they don't really seem to care I'm dragged off with the others and thrown out of the meeting

Later we're all running to the vault where the bridge is before the tribunal can demolish it, luckily for us draal is the only one guarding it however he stops us

Draal: young lings, i'm afraid the vault is off-limits until the tribunal meeting is over

Toby panting because he's out of breath: draal The tribunal is going to demolish the bridge With Jim still in it

Draal eyes widen as he turns round and opens the vault:  they can't do that!!

We are running to the door as the tribunal is not that far behind I break the controls to vote and everyone gets in a fighting position I just hope that master gym is near because I don't know how much longer we can hold them off the second that the vault breaks

When the tribunal arrive the guides easily overpower all of us us us and about to destroy the boat when it lights up and the purple opens I can hear Master James voice was clear immediately runs to the portal and sticks her head to it however This development only encourages regards to destroy the bridge faster I can hear Martin James voice getting closer to the time however the problem begins to close and  Claire is there a way that you can be split into two however it appears that Claire now has her brother in arms.

Toby filled with rage charges at the tribunal: you killed him!!!!!!

We failed the bridge destroyed there is no way to get into the dark lands, also we thought

When we arrived back at my library and the ambulance began to glow however it wasn't the same glow as the choosing the ambulance just went straight for Aaarrrggghhh Statue and began to say the same words over and over again. "The troll is the key the key to the hunter" this can only mean one thing very clear project my dear friend we will be able to get master Jim back

Thankfully we didn't have to look for an antidote since angor Was already doing that however we had our own problem we need to get the bridge before the tribunal could get rid of the pieces forever

Okay so that's it for this chapter and I hope you guys realise that that means I'm skipping out on the ground theft auto episodes because they have no need for the antidote because someone is already looking for them. Okay see you next time

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