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Days like today are so nice. It's an escape from reality. A place I can finally call home. I prop my feet up on the swing as I watch him play. Running around in circles with his toy airplane.

Giggles fill the air, cascading with the wind, which brings a smile to my face. I could watch him play all day. It's days like today that make me realize I made the right decision.


Before I came home, I ended up having lunch with Cynthia. She's in her third year of college at University of Montana and is planning on getting her Bachelors degree in nursing.

We stumble upon a little cafe that's not too far from her campus and is right around the corner from my job. When we first got here, several months in, I decided to go a different route with my career and ended up finding something else that I love.

Real Estate.

Helping others find homes of their dreams warms my heart. Seeing their faces light up when the perfect home comes their way, it's a strange feeling but I feel like I was supposed to do this my entire life.

Especially first time home buyers.
They are my favorite.

"I'm so over clinicals." Cynthia says, letting out a deep breath as she sits down in front of me. She looks so cute in her light blue scrubs and this new haircut she got last month makes her look like a grown ass woman.

I don't like it one bit.

But, it rests on her shoulders instead of down her back which I swear accentuates her face perfectly.

My perfect girl.

"One more year, honey." I smile, taking a sip of my tea from the glass.

She nods before ordering her food. "Jake promised me a massage this weekend."

"I did not need to know that."

A laugh escapes her mouth. "A couples  massage, Mom."

"Oh," I giggle with her, smiling at the waiter as he hands us our food. "How is he doing by the way?"

"He's been better."

Jake is her first real boyfriend that she's ever had. She met him in college in one of her classes since he is studying nursing also. Normally, I would have a problem with it because I want her to focus more on school than boys... a new boy... but he's great and I couldn't be happier.

Last year he proposed to her and when they graduate we will start planning their wedding. Shortly after they got engaged his mother passed away from breast cancer.

"Have you found a venue yet?"

"There's one Jake really likes, but it's not in our budget."

I bat my eyes at her. "That's why I'm here."

"Mom, it's too expensive—

"Honey," I say eagerly. "We're here to help in any way we can."

She smiles, making her cheeks flush. "Thank you."

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