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"What just happened?" Ashley whispers pulling me into the bathroom.

I was so caught up in the moment that I lost track of time. I didn't realize I ended up cursing him out in front of everyone. My mind went absolutely blank and all I saw was red. A dark, deep red that took over the entire world. I was fuming and he was the one to blame for all of it.

She kneels beside me as I basically hyperventilate on the floor. My knees are curled up as I rest my chin against them.

"Talk to me." She pleads, hoping I give in.

I try calming myself down and take slow, deep breaths. Just like my counselor used to tell me during my therapy sessions. The look in her eyes brought tears to mine. I was so mad that even crying over this man would piss me off even more.

"He's someone I was once in love with."


There's no way I'm staying in tonight. I haven't been out with my girlfriends in forever. You can thank my ex-boyfriend for that.


Sounds so weird, yet so amazing.

I should have done it a long time ago.

Four years with someone is a long time, especially if it's with someone who doesn't appreciate you anymore. Doesn't show you love or compassion. Forgets your own damn birthday. Which happens to be today.

Yep, I ended it on my birthday.

My friends, Georgia and Grace, brought me to a popular music festival that happened to be a five hour drive. I found myself thinking of him as we drove onto the highway and I don't know why.

Maybe, because I don't know what it feels like to be alone and that part alone was comforting.

We finally pull up into a huge field full of live events, a few stages filled with jazz singers, blues, and my favorite- techno. I've never been to the Coachella before, but I like to think this would be a little taste of it.

"Holy shit," I yell as we step out of the car. The girls follow suit and nod their heads in agreement.

"This is awesome," Georgia states as she walks on over to the concession stand.

"Eating already?" Grace says rolling her eyes.

"It was a long drive." She defends.

I giggle before walking around, admiring the atmosphere, and find myself standing in front of the jazz stage.

The music is soothing and has me swaying my hips side to side. I close my eyes momentarily and take in the moment. My body starts to instantly relax until someone clears their throat.

"Enjoying this aren't you?" A dark-haired, tall, and slightly muscular guy says. He is wearing black jeans with a white cut off shirt and a tattoo peeking around his inner left arm.

Never Let Me Go ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora