25 | georgia

295 26 10


Talking to Fred about the darkest part of my life was extremely hard. There were times when I had to look away. Had to wipe away the tears to try and pull myself together.

I was really hoping this would be easier.

I was also really hoping the wine would help some.

"So, this Elijah guy," Fred starts, drinking from a wine glass I handed him. "You met him one weekend, slept with him, and then just came back to me?"

"Don't make me sound like a whore, Fred."

He raises his hands. "I'm not. I'm just trying to figure out what happened."

I practically tell him the entire story. From the first encounter. From eating tacos. From sitting on top of the hill watching the festival and ending the night in a hotel room.

He watches me as I speak. Listens to every word that comes out of my mouth. A simple nod here and there.

"Let me start off by saying this— what a dick for leaving you like that, but why not just tell me the truth, Val?"

"I wanted to, Fred," I say wholeheartedly. "You don't know how many times I played this conversation over and over again in my head. The years just went by and she grew up. I just didn't know when the time would be," my voice nearly breaks. "There was no good time honestly."

"There were plenty of times," He says frustrated, downing the rest of his wine. "Give me more."

I hand him the bottle, letting him pour the remainder into his glass. He eyes it slowly before downing the rest again.

"I think you've had enough," I advise him as I snatch the bottle from his hand.

Cynthia walks into the room unannounced, giving us her full attention. "Can he still be in my life?"

My eyes move from him to hers. Fred keeps his head down, playing with the rim of the glass with his finger.

"Of course he can, honey. What kind of person would I be if I took him away from you? He helped raise you. He will always be a part of your life."

His head tilts to the side, eyeing me from the love seat. "You mean that?"

I give him a nod as Cynthia pulls him into a tight hug, gripping her hands around his shoulders. He breathes in her hair, holding her close to him like she might slip out of his arms forever.

"I love you, baby girl."

A warm smile spreads across her cheekbones. "I love you more, Dad."

A frown takes over his face when Cynthia releases her grip around him. "I need to tell you two about Georgia."

My body sits up suddenly, propping my elbows onto my knees with the bottle still in my hand. "What's wrong?" I ask genuinely.

"She uh," he manages to say, stopping mid sentence when a tear escapes his right eye. "She lost the baby."


"Oh, Fred."

"I'm so sorry." Cynthia cries, sitting down beside him on the love seat.

He keeps his voice calm. You can tell he could break at any point. "Not only did I lose one child, but I lost two."

"You will never lose me, Dad. I don't care who took part in making me. You," she points, sticking her finger into his chest. "Raised me. I'm who I am because of you. Not Elijah."

Never Let Me Go ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz