35 | stay

324 24 12


My clothes fall onto the floor, escaping from the oversized bag that I basically have my entire dresser in. I sigh annoyingly while my hands grab the rest of it on the rug. Cynthia comes in suddenly, holding a duffel bag which is tightly against her chest.

"If we leave now, we can make it there earlier than our GPS says."

"Siri never knows what she's talking about," I huff, zipping the brass colored chain closed. "Besides, we're stopping at a hotel halfway. There's no way you nor I can drive the full sixteen hours."

She smirks, shaking her head. "Mommy knows best."

I laugh. "And don't you forget it."

Ashley comes into my mind. The thought of leaving her behind, especially after the night we had at the bar. What if that happens to her again and I won't be there to protect her?

She's an adult. She can take care of herself, but that's not the point. The point is... I won't be there with her. I'm moving miles and miles away from the only home I've ever known.

That's the thing about life, you life and you learn. The life I've shared with St. Helena is complete. There's nothing here for me anymore.

Nobody except...

"Mom?" Cynthia calls out from the kitchen. I quickly brush my teeth and throw my long locks into a high pony tail before answering. "Coming!"

My feet stop near the doorway when I spot him suddenly. Standing in my kitchen while Cynthia closes the door behind him. He looks around the room, noticing the boxes piled up in just about every corner.

No dishes were in the cabinet, no television was hooked up in the wall, no furniture was resting on the tile floor.


Just as he opens his mouth I quickly speak for him. "Grant," my voice almost comes out like a whisper. "What are you doing here?"

"I called him," Cynthia swallows, blinking her eyes at me. "I'll give you two some privacy."

I watch as she leaves the kitchen, letting it be only Grant and I.. standing a few feet away from one another. The only thing that breaks the silence between us is the ticking from his watch.


His voice sounds sad. A sound I don't want to hear, especially coming from him. He deserves to be happy. He doesn't need to be upset over me.

"Hi." I tell him softly, brushing my arm up and down.

He hasn't shaved in several days, maybe even almost a week. I'm not complaining though. It favors him rather well. His shaggy hair falls between his eyes while he looks up from his feet.

"You're really leaving, huh?"

The only thing I know to do- is to just nod. He shakes his head in understanding, still rocking on both feet.

"For how long?"

"This is it, Grant. I won't be returning."

His eyes find mine, staring deep into my pupils as he makes sure he's hearing me correctly. "Why?"

I close my eyes, trying to find the words before I open them again. "There's nothing here for me anymore."

"I'm here," he pleads. "Stay here with me."

"Grant, I need this for myself. A new life. A fresh start for my daughter and I."

"Your daughter called me. That's got to mean something."

Never Let Me Go ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora