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|| JJ ||

"Jack, we have to go to school today. Wake up."

"Fuck," I mutter, looking at my phone for the time.


"I, uh, okay," I say. "Um, my clothes, I took a shower last night, okay."

I run to the bathroom, change, and quickly gel up my hair.

I run back into my room, out of breath. I grab my backpack.

"Okay, let's go," He says, smiling and wrapping his arm around me.

He kisses me quickly, before we walk out. "I'll drive us."

"The bus is gonna be here any second, we could just do that, like usual," I say. "You sit in the back, I'll sit I'll sit up front."

"Shut up, I can drive us," He says, grinning.

Jack can't be seen with me. I don't even want to think of what could happen if we were seen together.

"You drive, I'll walk," I say.

"Jack, just get in the damn car," He says.

"Fine, okay."

I sit in the passenger seat of his Maserati, and he sits in the driver's seat.

"This is a pretty nice car," I say.

"Thanks, I got it for Christmas," He says, smiling as he starts the engine.

He takes my hand as he drives to the school, and I force a small smile.

Does he not realize what I could to his reputation? His popularity?

I would destroy it. I don't want that.

"Okay," He says, parking. "We're here."

I nod, sinking into the car seat so people don't see me.

"Jack," I whisper. "Leave, I'll catch up with you later."

He gives me a look that says, 'what the fuck?'

"You're an idiot," I whisper and yell at the same time. "A fucking idiot! I will destroy your fucking reputation and you will be fucking tortured every fucking day for the rest of fucking high school and possibly your whole fucking life! So get the fuck out of the car!"

"Oh my god, okay," He mumbles, getting out of the car. "Here's the keys, don't forget to lock it."

Huh. Easier than I thought.

I shrug to myself and wait a minute before getting out of the car myself.

I don't think anyone saw me. Phew. I still put the hood of my sweatshirt up so it's covering my face, just in case.

"Aye, I think it's that faggot. Jack Johnson," I hear a familiar voice say.


I keep my head down, hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with those douchebags.

I feel someone take my hood off of my head.

"I was right!" Sammy Wilkinson says, looking over at his stupid friends, Skate Maloley and...


I try to walk away, but Sammy grabs my sweatshirt pulling me back.

"We, uh, we shouldn't do this right now, Sammy," Jack says. "Class is starting soon. We can beat him up later."

I know I'm probably an ass for saying this, but for some reason those last words hurt.

I feel my cheeks heat up, still trying to walk away as Sammy looks at Jack with confusion.

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