24 Finally together

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I slowly opened my eyes to a sea of white. The white was so strong I had to squint to not let the irritating light go in my eyes.

What is this, am I dead? I actually died? This can't be the end. I didn't even get to fuck Aizawa...

I chuckled from my dumbass thoughts.

"F/N? F/N!" I felt my body being shaken by something. I tried to swat away the source of the shakes and suddenly the white light got dimmer and I saw Aizawa standing above me.

He had a worried expression on his face and the bags under his eyes were darker that normal. Is that even possible? I chuckled.

"How can you laugh? I thought you were dead!" Another round of shaking started.

"Hey! Mr. Aizawa, I know you are worried but if you don't want to make her unconscious again, stop with the shaking." I heard a kind older woman voice. Aizawa gently squeezed my hand.

"Now shoo shoo. I have to make some tests on her, now that she's awake so go leave us alone." The voice continued.

I saw that Aizawa hesitated for a bit if he should leave and then he mouthed 'bye' and left. He had such a soft expression which made me blush.

Another face appeared above me, probably of the lady who talked a minute back. I recognized her. It was Recovery girl. One time I led Midoriya to her when he injured his arm.

She gave me a warm smile.

"You were out for a quite a while. I'm glad you're back." She said while checking my injuries and vitals.

"Mr. Aizawa was here every day. He even brought you these flowers." The old lady waved a bouquet of different kinds of flowers in front of me and then took a look at them herself.

"He said he didn't know which ones you liked so he took one of every kind." She chuckled and put the flowers back.

Did he really bring them for me? I feel like I'm dreaming. I must have died and this was my heaven.

I felt pain as Recovery girl put the bandages back. No, I feel pain so I'm not dead!

This is real and Aizawa did this for me. My face started to heat up and blush creeped on my cheeks.

"Ms. L/N are you okay? You seem a bit red." The doctor said worriedly.

"No I'm fine I just thought of someone." I said smiling.

"Well that person must be lucky to make you feel so flustered that you look like a tomato." She chuckled and moved way from my bed.

I held my cheeks in embarrassment.

Recovery girl sent me home later that day. The school ambulance drove me home and I was ordered to take some rest.

I felt much better now but I was still a bit rusty. My stomach still hurt and I spent all day in bed because of the pain.

I spent a whole week at home recovering. Aizawa visited me everyday after work. He insisted on cooking for me even though I told him many times I could do that myself.

He seemed to be much more friendlier after my injury. He told me that he was so scared when he saw me lying on the ground in the forest.

'I thought I lost you, I wouldn't forgive myself if I did' He said while sitting on the side of my bed, looking at his hands.

I week went by in a blink of an eye. And I was back in school but now Aizawa wasn't only my instructor but my boyfriend as well.

At first he spent only few hours with me in the afternoon when I was resting at home but then he started spending the nights as well. He said it was for my safety because I could trip while going to the bathroom at night and get injured more.

I don't know if he really meant that or it was just an excuse to spent more time with me but let's just say that we didn't spent the nights only sleeping.

As Aizawa himself put it 'we needed to catch up on some things'.

And on the last day of my 'rest week', while we laid in my bed after a night of fun, he asked me if my wanted to be his girlfriend.

He said that we would have to hide our relationship because he didn't know what Nezu would say but I didn't care. I thought of my answer way before he even asked me.

And of course I said yes.

*I want to thank everyone who read my story and liked it. It was my first try at a fanfic so I wasn't sure if it's doing do be cringey. Also English isn't my first language so I tried to not make many mistakes. Reading your comments really warms my heart so keep at it. Love you all baddies.💅*

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