23 The attack

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We let the last pair of students go out into the forest to enjoy their test of courage. I admired them. Some of them ran into the forest like they saw candy in there.

On the other hand, I had my flashlight in my hand anxiously pointing in every direction where I heard something shuffle.

"Well, they aren't going to here for another hour...do you guys want some coffee?" Yamada looked at his watch and then at Vlad King, Aizawa and me.

We nodded and went back into the hotel.

We were almost done with our coffee, Yamada was telling us another one of his stories and I was the only one who enjoyed it. Aizawa and Vlad King only sat there silently and occasionally checking the time.

Suddenly the door slammed open and Iida ran in.

"Mr. Aiza...wa...there...there are...the forest." Iida frantically said between heavy breaths and pointing towards the hotel door.

I quickly ran to him to check on him and bring him a cup of water. He was visibly stressed, something horrible must have happened.

"Iida, breathe in and breathe out and calm down." He followed my motions, taking a deep breath. Meanwhile the other teachers stood up and went to us to hear what Iida had to say.

"Someone attacked us in the forest. I think they are villains." The teachers became alert, taking a step closer to Iida.

"Iida, how many are there. Is anyone hurt. How far are they." Aizawa said in a serious tone. This serious side made him sound so sexy.

No Y/N, someone is in danger, you can't fantasize about him right now. You'll have time to do that when you go to sleep.

"F/N, F/N." Aizawa shook my shoulder. I must have zoned out. "You'll will come with me and Kan. Yamada will call the school." I quickly nodded not fully comprehending what Aizawa wanted me to do there since I wouldn't be able to fight anyone.

While running through the forest we noticed by the shouts that we were getting close.

On our way there, Aizawa distributed the roles. Him and Vlad King would fight the villains and help the students and I and Iida would help anyone who'd be injured.

When we finally got to the little opening in the forest where the fight was happening I was stunned. My feet stopped. I haven't been in a fight like this before. Sure I saw this in some of my illusion even in Kan's but there I knew that it wasn't real, I couldn't be injured.

"Ms. L/N! Someone needs your help!" Vlad King shouted and that made my feet finally move. I looked around and saw Momo who was laying on the ground under one of the trees.

I quicky made my way to her, making sure the villains wouldn't notice me.

I crouched down to Momo's body which was contorted in pain. She held her leg. I looked at her wound which fortunately wasn't deep. I quickly called Yamada to let him know that I'll send Iida with Momo to him.

When Iida left with Momo on his back, I looked around to assess the situation.

Everyone was busy fighting and I didn't see anyone who would need my help.

I took another look around and saw that Bakugo was held by one of the villains. My eyes hopped from one person to another to find someone who would be able to help Bakugo but everyone had their hands full.

I got more and more anxious. No one could help him, Bakugo will be taken away.

Y/N you have to do something. You're their teacher for god's sake. If you don't help him now you have failed as a teacher. I nodded, agreeing with my inner voice.

I ran to Bakugo who was on the other side on the grass field, sneaking between the trees, trying to not get noticed.

"Bakugo! I'll save you!" I shouted as I jumped on the villain with a top hat who was holding the student. I managed to knock down the villain and free Bakugo but it wasn't for long.

The villain got up quickly and threw me onto one of the trees. I groaned at the pain of my back hitting the tree. I saw that the villain got hold of Baguko again.

Great Y/N, just great. This was your chance to actually help and now you're the one who is injured and you didn't help anyone.

I saw the villain laugh at me and from behind him appeared another villain. He was full of scars and had crazy black hair. He had a scary look on his face. I saw that he inspected Bakugo who was now knocked out in the hands of the top hat villain.

I thought hard of what should I do and only one idea was appearing in my head. Or right when I jumped on him I touched him! I cheered in my head. Now focus Y/N.

I closed my eyes and created my illusion. I wanted to last at least a minute to disturb the villain so that he wouldn't be able to fight anymore but my counting got only to forty seconds.

My illusion was interrupted by sharp pain in my stomach. I blinked and saw that blood was seeping through my shirt. It hurt like hell. I fell to the ground. I saw the villains retreat carrying the disturbed top hat villain and fortunately without Bakugo before I passed out.

You can't live without fear, Aizawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now