15 Weekend training

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To be honest my thoughts were a little dirty when he said that and adjusted his pants but here I was... cutting carrots in the kitchen.

Turns out Aizawa woke up few moments before my arrival and didn't eat so I was now helping make something for him to eat .

"Are you finished with the carrots? I need to put them on the pan." Aizawa asked with his back to me taking care of the vegetables he was cooking on the pan.

"You just gave me the carrots. No, I'm not finished." Even if he was more friendly now, he was still commanding which I wasn't very fond of. I shouldn't be even helping him. I'm just an intern. The most I should be helping with should be grading papers.

"Ugh, just give it to me. Go watch the pan." Aizawa pushed me out of the way and started cutting the carrots.

"You should be glad I'm helping you make food." I scoffed and went to the pan.

"Yeah, yeah just watch the pan woman." He dismissed me, quickly cutting the carrots. Who does think he is?! I was supposed to be training not be his personal cook. This man has some nerve. He's lucky that I told myself to be calm today because I would gladly smack this pan against his head.

After we finished cooking Aizawa put some on his plate and left some in the pan. "You want some?" He asked taking his fork. "Well, at least I'll taste what I made." I took the fork from his hand and picked up a bite of the food from the pan. "Mmm it's good." My eyes opened wide from the goodness.

"I made it so of course, it is." Aizawa took the fork back and went to eat his food back into the living room.

Just as he sat down the doorbell rang. "It's Yamada, please open the door for him." I went to the door and opened them.

"Hello it's meee." Yamada made finger guns at me. "Welcome, Aizawa just sat down to eat." Yamada nodded walking to his friend.

"I see you finally dropped the honorifics Aizawa. What warmed up your cold heard?" Yamada joked sitting down next to his friend. Aizawa didn't acknowledge his friend's remark and continued eating.

"You can start without me. I'll just watch you and step in if needed." Aizawa said while munching on his food.

We went through few rounds of illusions. I finally made it past a minute and a half and now I could hold it for three minutes and alter my illusions to make them less scary which previously I could only make scarier. We didn't try past 3 minutes to not pain Yamada too much in one day.

That night I got another text from Aizawa saying that I didn't have to come on Sunday because Yamada had some work to do and wouldn't be able to come.

'Do you want to go out for drinks tomorrow? Instead of our training? I still need to pay you somehow as thanks. I canceled my plans anyway so I don't have much to do.' I sent him a text.

I waited but nothing came back. I guess he isn't interested in my offer. He must have his own plans. I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep.

While checking my phone the next morning I saw that I got a text. It was Aizawa and the time the text was sent was 4AM. Does he not sleep? Now I get why he's always so grumpy. He must stay up all night.

I finally looked at the contents of the text while taking a bite of my sandwich. 'I'd rather go out for coffee. Meet me at the park at (address) at 2PM.'

I was happy that he replied and didn't ignore my offer. I didn't mind going for a coffee. If I'd get wasted like last time we went out for drinks, I'd have a hard time the next day at school so this was actually better.

I spent the whole morning picking out an outfit I'd wear for our meet. I don't know why did I try so much to look presentable in front of Aizawa. It's not like he would care.

I settled for a white flowy dress that ended above the knee. It was one of my favorites. My mom gave it to me when I moved out to go to college so it also held some sentimental element.

I checked the time, it was quarter to two so I picked up my purse and headed out. From the address Aizawa gave me, the park wasn't far so I'd be there just in time.

When I got to the park I noticed the familiar figure of Aizawa sitting on one of the benches with his back to me.

I crept up behind him and then slammed my hands on his shoulders making him quickly stand up.

"Do you not sleep? You texted me at like 4 in the morning." I laughed.

He turned to me putting his hands back into his pockets. He didn't have his usual one-piece on and instead wore black jeans and a white dress shirt.I like this look, not too formal not too casual.

"Hi to you too. Do you have a problem with my sleep schedule?" He asked his eyes squinting at me.

"I don't think we can even call that a sleep schedule." I chuckled. "I just don't like when you're grumpy and I think that your lack of sleep plays a big part in it."

"I thought you wanted to pay for my coffee not do an intervention about my sleep."

"Okay, then let's go." I went cheerfully towards the direction where I saw a coffee shop on my way here. Aizawa started walking as well and picked up the pace to walk beside me.

You can't live without fear, Aizawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now