7 Failed demonstration

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It was the next day, me and Aizawa's class were standing in the school field waiting for the homeroom teacher to bring the person I would demonstrate my quirk on.

He came with a big muscly man in a red suit with fangs. He was introduced as the homeroom teacher of the class 1-B, Vlad King. He seemed very scary and stern.

With them came what I assumed was his class of 1-B. Great, now if my quirk gets out of hand, I will be made fun of for two things at this school. I sighed but moved those thoughts in the back of my head. Now it was not the time.

I wondered what I will see in my illusion, Vlad King seemed like he wasn't scared of common things. It will be something more complicated.

When Aizawa briefly informed him about the purpose of his company, he seemed to doubt my ability and only smirked, his fangs appearing more visible. The two classes formed a circle around the three of us and waited patiently. I could see Midoriya with his notebook ready to write his findings down.

"Alright, are you ready?" Aizawa asked standing beside me ready to erase my quirk in an emergency. I nodded smiling at my "opponent". Vlad King nodded too, so I reached out for his hand. He hesitantly placed his big hand in mine.

I then let go of his hand and closed my eyes, picturing his face in my mind. When I opened my eyes the students and Aizawa were gone. I was in the city in the middle of some big fight with villains. Pro-heroes were doing their best to fight them. All Might and Aizawa were fighting on the sides of Vlad King.

I could see many people screaming and heroes dying. It was a hell. Vlad Kind was running all over the place trying to save civilians and heroes but never was fast enough. They were dying in his hands right before his eyes. Vlad King screamed rummaging through the ruins of fallen buildings for any living survivors. But without a success.

He finally looked back at his teacher friends who were fighting the villains with all they had. Suddenly All Might got struck by some force, making a big gash through his chest.

Vlad King ran to him shouting that he would save All Might. But again, he was not fast enough. All Might breathed his last breath in his embrace. Vlad King gave a painful cry, tears were streaming down his face in pools.

I knew where this was going, Aizawa was going to die too. All of King's friends will die.

I wanted to stop my illusion, so I closed my eyes but when I opened them, I was still in the raging fight. Oh no. I closed and opened my eyes again. Nothing. I'm losing control. This is bad. I will accidentally kill Vlad King. I started panicking. What do I do. I even tried altering the illusion into something more pleasant but it didn't work.

Suddenly I felt some weight on my shoulder and the illusion started to fade away. The cries and ruckus of the fight got quieter. I was back at the UA field. I saw that Aizawa had his hand on my left shoulder, his eyes were crimson red and his long hair was now falling back down to its original position.

I looked around and saw the kids stood frozen with wide eyes and mouths open. I saw the fear in their eyes. I sighed and looked down. This is what I didn't want to happen.

My quirk wasn't an honor to have, it was a curse especially when I couldn't control it.

My dad's quirk wasn't this powerful. He only saw people's fears but couldn't alternate their mind in any way. He used his quirk for good and became a therapist helping people who went through some trauma. Even pro-heroes would sometimes come to get counseling.

When my quirk started to show in kindergarten, it would scare of the other kids because I didn't know how my quirk worked. I would accidentally activate it and show my friends their fears. It wasn't so powerful at that time and my illusions weren't perfect so they were more of flashes of pictures than whole world illusions. I was glad because if my quirk had the same power it has now, I would probably be put into a correction facility or something.

However, my teens were worse. As I grew, the power grew with me. And even though I now knew the inner workings and triggers of my quirk, my emotions sometimes got the best of me and I used my quirk willingly.

I just wanted to scare off the people who were bullying me but one time the quirk got out of control and I killed one of them.

I was horrified, seeing the boy's limp body on the ground with his face contorted in pure fear. The death was dismissed as an accident (which it was) and I attended therapy for two years. I didn't even want to go to school. I only attended mandatory classes and eventually found happiness in softball and swimming and went back to my life.

I wanted to be a teacher because of this. I wanted to teach kids how to safely use their quirks and also to accept everyone regardless of their quirk. That's why I also agreed to this demonstration. I wanted to show how some quirks can be dangerous and that everyone isn't fond of their quirk.

You can't live without fear, Aizawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now