18 The first night of the trip

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As soon as I saw Aizawa, I stomped towards him. When I was close to him, he held out his hand with my phone.

"Here I took care of it like you said." I saw the small smile that was tugging on the corner of his lips.

I snatched the phone out of his hand and took another step to be closer to him. I looked up to him so he could see the wrath in my eyes from what he put me through.

"You knew about it didn't you." I growled.

"Huh?" Aizawa put on a confused face.

"The forest is full of monsters, we could have died!" I shouted, my anger taking over me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said smirking. Is this funny to him?

"Don't like act like you don't know! I didn't sign up for this!" The fear from possibly dying in the forest and hunger from the hours of walking created a ball of energy full of anger that was now spewing out of me. My hand shot up to punch him but he was quicker and grabbed it before it could make contact with his face.

"You should calm down and go clean up. The food is ready in the cafeteria." If my looks could kill his body would be laying limp on the ground right about now. He held my hand until I yanked it out and stomped towards the hotel.

While taking shower and changing clothes I kept thinking how should I get him back for this. He thought he was soo funny. Just wait Aizawa I will get you when you least expect it.

When I got out of the shower I was met with a tall figure with long dark hair. Who was that?

"Huh?" I made them know about my presence.

"Oh, you're already here?" The person turned around giving me a big smile. It was Midnight.

"Just got here. I thought I'd die in that forest." I chuckled going to my suitcase for clothes to change into. The evening breeze chilled me on my legs so I quickly went back to the bathroom to change from my towel.

"I wondered where you were when Aizawa came with the bus alone." Midnight put her hand on her chin. I now noticed her suitcase in the corner of the room.

"You are going to sleep here too?" I pointed at the suitcase. Midnight looked towards the direction I was pointing to then turned back to me. A smirk was painting her lips while she took slow strides towards me. What is she doing?

"I hope you don't mind. I don't like to sleep alone and the company of a woman always makes me excited." She was now few inches away from me caressing my wet hair. My cheeks started to heat up.

"Uhh,..." I didn't know where to look. Midnight's piercing eyes made me nervous. I took a step back, my hair leaving her hand.

"I going down to the cafeteria, I didn't eat yet." I said hurriedly going out of the room. When I closed the door I could hear Midnight shout after me. 'We're going to have some fun tonight so be back quickly!'

Anxiousness hung over me as I ate my dinner. The students were having their dinner too and chatting. I wanted to join them in whatever they were talking about but my mind was playing every scenario of what kind of fun Midnight meant.

I dreaded the time when I'll have to go back to our room. I was so tired from today and wanted to just go to sleep and not wake up for at least another 8 hours.

When I walked in, Midnight was already tucked in on her futon. She sat up a patted the futon next to her. I gave a tired sigh and made my way towards her.

"I'm sorry Ms. Kayama, I don't have the energy for whatever you wanted to do. I think I'm just going to go to sleep." I said tucking myself in the duvet.

I saw the smile on her face fade.

"I just wanted to talk." She pouted and turned her back to me.

I felt bad she seemed so excited to be in the room with me and now I created this sad mood. Maybe I could sacrifice few minutes and talk to her.

I tapped her shoulder. "Ms. Kayama? We can talk a little if you want."

I saw the duvet shuffle and then Midnight's face appeared in front of me.

"Okay, but don't call me Ms. Kayama, please. It makes me feel old. Just Kayama is fine." She said cheerfully.

"I get what you mean. I let Aizawa can me F/N too. I still have a long life ahead of me to be called Ms." I laughed pulling the duvet to my chin.

"Aizawa? He let you call him that?" Kayama said confused. I nodded.

"Interesting...he must be very fond of you F/N." She said under her breath. I turned on my back looking at the ceiling. Huh? Fond of me? I don't think so. He did it just because Yamada told him to, it wasn't because he wanted to. Right?

"Hey, don't think about it too much. Let's talk about something fun. Are you single? Who was your last partner?"

We ended up talking longer than I've expected but I wasn't mad. We talked about our previous lovers and what made us break up. Even if it was painful to talk about it, I told her about my last boyfriend.

We broke up before I went to college. We were together for about a year before I went to my senior year. In the last year of high school, I spent most of the time preparing for the entrance exams. On the other hand, my boyfriend spent his free time partying and getting drunk.

I tried as much as I could to spent time with him. I made time every Friday so we could go out and have fun. But most of the time it ended in us getting drunk and sleeping with each other at his parent's house. I didn't mind at first but I still missed spending some quality time with him.

The last months of school were when everything came crumbling down. He started saying that he didn't have time on Friday because of school. Which I respected, he did the same for me. But when my friend saw him kissing some girl at a party on Friday, I couldn't tolerate that.

Our relationship ended in a nasty argument, both of us shouting our lungs out at each other. From then on I focused all my life on school and getting prepared for college.

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