21 Carrying out the plan

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The students were free to do whatever in the afternoon because the teachers were preparing the forest for the test of courage that'd be happening in the evening.

When Midnight left it was only four of us teachers so we divided into two teams.

I was paired up with none other than Aizawa. After hearing that I would be on the team with him, he started saying that he would go alone to speed things up. But Yamada was the one deciding the teams and he wanted us to 'patch things up' as he whispered into my ear after Aizawa went to get the scary decorations.

This just fit into my plan. I couldn't make my moves on Aizawa if there were other people around.

"Okay, so let's meet up at 8PM back at the hotel. This gives us around two hours to decorate. Have fun!" Yamada announced, taking some of the decorations from Kan's hands and leaving with him.

I looked after the duo who was disappearing in the dark forest.

"We should go too." Aizawa said quietly.

"Sure, let's go." I said cheerfully and skipped into the forest, Aizawa carrying the decorations followed.

We followed the dirt path that the students would take later. I would take the decorations from Aizawa and hang it in the trees. We didn't talk much, only few 'put it there' from Aizawa when he saw good spot for a decoration.

I was purposely swinging my hips and making the decorations fall on the ground so that I could bend down and tease him.

His eyes were piercing my body, signaling me that my plan was working.

"Isn't the forest scary even without the decorations?" I turned my flashlight at Aizawa who was carrying the last two pieces of scary stuff.

"Ugh, put the light down." He smacked the light out of my hand. The light hit the ground and turned off. I fished it from the ground and tried to turn it back on. Nothing.

"Great, you broke it." I shook the flashlight in front of him. Only if the sky wasn't so cloudy, the moon could light the forest a little. Suddenly a faint light showed up. Aizawa had his phone in his hand. Crap I left mine at the hotel.

"Let's go back then." Aizawa started going back.

"No, don't leave me here in the dark!" I ran to him and clung onto his arm. I noticed that he stiffened.

The one thing that scared me to death. Dark. Because you can't see the thing you fear. You can't touch it, you can't do anything. You can fight other fears physically or mentally but the dark is untouchable.

"Huh? I thought you weren't scared of anything." Aizawa laughed looking down at me who was grappling his bicep like a monkey.

"Please just go." I said squeezing his arm with shut eyes.

"Oh, I know what I should do. I should leave you here for what you did to me." He said smugly. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, my grip loosened a bit.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I looked at him confused. Suddenly his phone turned off and he pulled himself out of my hands. I heard his steps move away from me. The dark surrounded me.

"Aizawa?" I said anxiously. No response.

I heard something move in the bushes. My anxiety rose.

"Aizawa please, don't play with me." I whined. I looked in every direction but I couldn't see anything.

"But you were the one playing with me." Someone whispered in my ear. I gasped and quickly turned around and felt in the air.

"Aizawa?" I repeated.

Suddenly someone placed their hands on my sides from the back. I quickly grabbed onto them and turned around. The clouds were thinner now and the moon shined through.

"Aizawa." I smiled. I was happy to see him again and not to be alone. The moon was lighting up his features, making him look unbelievable.

Almost in trance my hand went to caress his cheek.

"Stop." He took my hand and put it down but kept holding onto it. His hand felt hot on my skin.

"You play with me all night and I don't think I'll be able to hold back more so don't push it." He growled. He looked so intimidating which made me want to tease him even more.

"You don't have to hold back. I won't tell anyone." I said seductively while my free hand ran down his abdomen. I felt his muscles stiffen at my touch, making a smirk appear on my lips.

When his eyes fluttered from the touch, I took the opportunity to snatch the phone from his hand and run back to the hotel.

Yes. An evil smirk appeared on my face.

This is what I wanted. I started him off and now he'll do the rest on his own.

You can't live without fear, Aizawa x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz