2 First impression

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The door slowly opened with a creek and in came the one and only All Might. This is going to be my teacher? No way. This was the best thing that could happen. I was a fan of All Might since my childhood and admired him throughout my teenage years.

I quickly stood up to greet him. I made a ninety-degree bow and introduced myself. "I'm F/N L/N. I'm so happy to teach your class Mr. I will not disappoint you, I promise."

He had his hands resting on his sides in the typical superhero pose and higher up on his face was a big toothy grin. He looked exactly like the poster in my room of my parent's house.

"Oh, I think you must have mistaken me with somebody Ms. L/N, I didn't accept any interns this year." My happy expression loosened a bit and I looked down at Nezu.

"All Might isn't your instructor. We couldn't let him get any interns due to some reasons but your instructor is-"

The door opened again and a shabby-looking man, probably in his thirties appeared. His jet-black messy hair was falling in his face pointlessly hiding his dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he woke up five minutes ago but that would be impossible since the school is fifteen minutes from the city. Did he sleep in the school? Maybe he is the janitor leaving his night shift.

Nezu's happy voice brought me out of my thoughts to the real world again.  "-speaking of which. Here we have him. Ms. L/N, this will be your instructor for the two months Mr. Aizawa."

Nezu's paw shot towards the tired man in front of me. Even though I was a little disappointed that my instructor wouldn't be the number one hero, I didn't waste any time and repeated the same speech I gave few minutes ago.

Aizawa's eyes did not show any expression while I was doing my best to sound friendly and excited to the point that I thought he did not listen to me and was instead thinking about what he was going to have for lunch or something.

After I was finished with my introduction, I waited for Aizawa to do the same or say anything but I waited pointlessly. He didn't say anything or move at that.

Nezu left us with a bit of an awkward silence and then said. "Well, I'll leave you two. Bye Ms. L/N, hope you have a nice day." He patted my bare calf and walked out of the door.

"So what are we goi-" I was interrupted by quiet 'come on' and Aizawa's hand signaling me to follow him.

He doesn't seem like much of a talker. Or maybe he is grumpy because he had to wake up early because of me. I'm grumpy when I have to wake early too.

We picked up a quick pace and were making our way through the school hallways. Ugh, is everyone in a hurry in this school? I would not mind normally but in the heels I had on, it was not the easiest to make quick steps.

"I'm sorry you had to wake up early because of me." I chipped in.

"I didn't." An answer with a hint of annoyance fell lazily out of his mouth. I only made a quiet 'oh' and focused on keeping pace with the ghost of a teacher.

Right now, I was pondering if this would be really the best two months of my life like I proclaimed when I pointed at the envelope named UA High school at the college secretary office earlier this year.

He left me to wait inside a classroom which I assumed was the one of his class and he went as he said to get something from his office.

The first students started coming in a little startled by my presence but nonetheless happily greeted me.

Aizawa still wasn't coming so I took this time to observe the student bunch I would be teaching for my internship.

They all looked very interesting and some of them were cute. I wonder how people saw me when I was their age. There was a wide range of appearances- boy with a tail was sitting calmly in the front, next to him was a boy with a mask over his mouth and six hands.

I wonder if the students sitting behind him can see over him. In my school, the big people would always in the back so that other people would be able to see to the front. But if he is still sitting there, no one must have a problem with that.

Another individual who caught my attention was a pink-skinned girl with the same-colored curly hair. I wonder what her quirk is.

The last person I noticed before I was interrupted by a loud stomp to the classroom was a short boy sitting on the right side of the classroom. His hair was purple with some weird balls stuck to it. He was smiling widely at me, a little too widely for my liking. It reminded me of the old men who would harass me on my way from college to my apartment. I knew that behind those smiles wasn't anything pure.

The stomps finally reached the classroom door and in the doorframe appeared an angry-looking boy with blonde spikey hair who looked like he was about to blow up.

I greeted him with a friendly smile like I did the other students but the only response I got was a scoff. Then the boy went to his seat.

All the seats were now occupied and I noticed few students exchanging looks trying to figure out why was I standing there.

You can't live without fear, Aizawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now