16 Coffee shop

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"You know if you didn't drink so much black coffee you'd be able to sleep." I said pointing at the cup of black liquid the server had just brought us.

"Don't you think that maybe I drink it for that purpose?" Aizawa retorted.

"I know but you said that this would be your third coffee today. That's just too much." Aizawa clearly didn't like that because he slammed his hands against the table.

"I told you, I'm not here to listen to your advice so if that's what you plan to do, I'm leaving!" Aizawa started shuffling in the chair to stand up.

"No, no, no. I'll shut up. What do you want to talk about then?" I frantically waved my hands to stop him from leaving.

Aizawa stopped in his motion and slowly sat back down. He took the cup in his hands and blew on it to cool down the drink.

"I don't know."

I thought for a bit about a topic we could talk about. Something that wouldn't offend him and make him try to leave again.

"Uh, I like your outfit today, you should wear it to school someday. Why do you wear that black one-piece anyway?" That was a stupid question but it was the best I could think of on the spot.

"It's my hero outfit. It has a functional purpose. I don't wear it to be fashionable."

"That's so cool. You know that's why I love heroes. They have these badass outfits with different help-gadgets. I wish I could be one too... Speaking of which what's up with that scarf you always wear." I squinted my eyes to see the piece of clothing better.

Aizawa looked down to his neck and took the scarf in his hands, examining the material.

"It's like you said. The scarf is my help-gadget. It can tie things down."

"So it can be used in different settings other than fighting villains?" My words came out before I could think how weird it sounded.

Aizawa's eyes narrowed auspiciously. "I guess." He stretched the scarf in his hands.

"Can I?" I reached my hand out to the fabric. Aizawa put one end of the scarf in my hands. Inspecting the clothing up close, I could see that it wasn't normal clothing fabric. It was more strong but still nice to touch. I guess it made sense to have it made out of something that wouldn't rip while tying something up.

Suddenly I felt my hands being pulled together. The fabric was getting tighter around my wrist until it completely disabled my hands from moving. I followed the fabric and looked up at Aizawa whose eyes were red and his hair was flowing wildly in the air.

"That's how it works. It moves with the use of my quirk." He explained. I nodded in understanding and tried pulling my hands away to get out of the fabric imprisonment.

While I struggled, I saw Aizawa smirk at me. He surely enjoyed watching me struggle.

"You won't get out of them without my help. Calm down and I untie you." His hair started rising again and the crimson color was back in his eyes.

"Thank you." I said as the fabric freed my wrists. I rubbed the skin where the scarf tugged at my skin, getting rid of the numb feeling which made me weirdly excited.

We talked for another hour until our cups were empty. We mostly talked about school and the students. Aizawa asked what I thought of his class and if anyone made problems in my classes since he was always asleep. When it was time to go, I paid for the coffee and we both went on our way.

On my way home I thought about how in between the hoards of grumpiness and arrogance, Aizawa wasn't half bad, both in appearance and behavior. I noticed that as we spent more time together the grumpy side of him was less prominent so maybe with time, he would be more tolerable.

Aizawa canceled our training on Monday and Tuesday. He said that he had a lot of papers to grade because of the class trip that was happening on Wednesday. The students would spend three nights at a hot springs hotel in the forest. It was so they would improve their quirks and their teamwork.

And as their unofficial teacher, I'd be going too. I started packing on Sunday to be well prepared and have time to organize things in my suitcase.

Surprisingly I had a hard time deciding what to take with me. I haven't been on a school trip in years and didn't travel much so I didn't know what amount of clothes was too much. I hope I didn't forget anything.

I must say I didn't start packing early just to be prepared. I was really excited for the trip. It seemed like so much fun. The few trips I attended in high school weren't the best experience for me since I didn't have friends. But my schoolmates who had friends seemed to always have so much fun on them.

You can't live without fear, Aizawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now