20 The plan

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As quickly as he moved towards me, he pulled away.

My face was flushed. The feeling of his lips lingered on mine. I wanted it to last just a bit longer.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me, I shouldn't have..." He said while looking down at his hands which just a few seconds before were wrapped around my face.

"Aizawa..." I only managed to say because my thoughts were all over place.

"Let's pretend it never happened. It was a mistake and you're my intern for god's sake."

He said, almost sounding angry at himself. After that he abruptly stood up and went into the hotel.

I sat there like a lightning just struck me. I was stuck it the position that Aizawa kissed me in.

Did he mean the kiss or was it just something impulsive. He said it was a mistake so that must be it.

I was a little hurt by that realization. But I guess it's for the better. Me being an intern of his would only bring problems if we actually proceeded to go further.

For another three hours he didn't come out.

The students started arriving with the plushies so I timed them when they crossed the white line of the ground that was painted there before the game.

The students didn't even ask where their teacher was and went straight to the cafeteria for lunch. They must have been obviously very hungry running all morning in the forest.

When the last group of kids arrived, I cleaned up the plushies and went for lunch too.

The tables were full and the teachers' table had a last free chair, for me. Next to Aizawa. My heart sunk a little remembering the 'mistake' that happened between us.

No Y/N, you won't act weird. Like he said, act like it never happened. Start from a new page.

I put on a smile and after taking a tray with the food, sat down next to him. I greeted everyone at the table and started eating my food. I refused to look to my right where was Aizawa seated to keep my act together.

Suddenly I remembered that I still had the timer in my pocket. Aizawa wanted to write the times down into his notebook.

I pulled out the timer and turned to Aizawa.

"Aizawa." He didn't react. It was like he didn't hear me.

"Aizawa, she's talking to you." Yamada nudged him.

"I'm listening." He said annoyed but he still didn't look in my direction.

Really? He can't even look at me? I thought we were supposed to act like today's morning didn't happen. I thought that he would at least go back his playful self like yesterday. Whatever. Just don't pay attention to him.

"I have the stopwatch here with the students' times. I can dictate them to you after lunch so you can write them down. Hm?"

"I can do it myself." He growled and snatched the stopwatch out of my hands. He took the tray and left.
I sat there with my mouth partly open, dumbfounded by his behavior.

"Don't worry about it. He must have just woke up on the wrong side of the bed because he seemed excited to go on this trip...Well excited by his terms." Yamada chuckled.

I automatically nodded not even listening to what Yamada was saying. My head was full of questions.
Did the kiss disturb him that much? Or is he angry that I kissed him back? Why was he so snappy?

Even after long thinking in my room I couldn't get an answer. But the more I thought about it the angrier I got. Why can't he act normal around me? He is always so unnecessarily rude.

Shouldn't be teachers friendly? They work with kids, they have to be. And how am I supposed to learn something from him if he doesn't even talk to me.

That's it, if he's so unfriendly with me, I'll be the opposite. I'll be so 'friendly' that he'll have to talk to me more than he'd like to.

I jumped up from the futon, happy about my plan. I started to look through my clothes. I took out a short skirt and tight crop top and put it on.
i wouldn't normally wear on this trip but I had it just in case. I checked myself in the mirror.

"Damn gurl, you must be snatching men left and right. Poor Aizawa he doesn't know what hell is waiting for him." I said to my reflection.

Time to initiate my plan.

You can't live without fear, Aizawa x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora