71|scott, stiles and riley

Start from the beginning

Scott, Malia, Lydia and Isaac left the room, heading out to their lockers to grab their bags.

I sighed, dragging a chair to sit in front of Stiles. "What's going on?"

His face fell, a heavy frown reaching his face. "This can't be it."

"Come on, Stiles, we've been looking forward to graduating ever since we started high school," I reminded him.

"I know, it's just. . . I missed so much of it," he said sadly.

I didn't know how to respond to that. He had a point. Considering that he had been missing for a large portion of it, he had barely passed Senior year.

The lights in the classroom shut off and Stiles stood up with a sigh. Throwing his bag onto his bag, he reached a hand out to me.

Standing up, I took it and we walked out of the room hand-in-hand. "I'm sorry that you missed out, Stiles, really. I wish I could get you back all of that time."

He smiled as we reached his locker which was a few down from Scott's. The Alpha looked at us both as he saw us approaching.

"I can't believe we're not in high school anymore," he said as Stiles opened his locker. "Kind of feels like nothing's really changed."

My boyfriend looked down at me, a smile reaching his lips. "Everything's changed."

I felt myself blushing as he met my eyes. The boy moved all his books into his bag, before putting his arm around me as we headed over to mine down the hall.
"We'll meet you out the front, Scottie," I told the boy.

He nodded, heading out to the school car park.

When we reached my locker, I opened it and began to empty all of my belongings into my bag. I had slowly begun to take things home throughout the week, so I only had a few books to bring home with me now.
"Got any plans tonight?" I asked Stiles as I zipped my bag closed.

"Nah. I mean, besides dinner with your sister and Iris. Why? Did you have something in mind?"

"Well," I said as we began to walk to the exit. "If my calculations and research are correct, I believe that I'm up to the last Star Wars movie."

His eyes widened for a moment as he looked down at me. "I think that is one of the most beautiful things you've ever said to me."

I laughed as we walked out the front door.

"I don't think I'm even joking," he said in as serious a tone as he could. "Like, I never imagined you making the plans and willingly choosing Star Wars."

"Alright, calm down, or I might have to change my mind," I warned, trying to hold back my laughter.

"You wouldn't dare," he said, narrowing his eyes.

"Try me," I whispered.

He leaned down, kissing me gently before pulling back. "Thank you," he said, knowing that I was doing this for him. But it was for the both of us, really.

When we reached the Jeep, Stiles let go of e so that he could lift the hood. Checking that everything was functioning correctly, we went to the back where Liam, Mason and Scott were waiting.

"Okay! So, Liam, since you're the new Alpha-" Stiles claimed as we approached them.

"I'm not an Alpha," Liam reminded him, leaning against the Jeep.

The boot was open and packed with Stiles' things. Tomorrow, we were heading to Washington, wanting to set up our apartment before Stiles' classes started. It was going to take over forty hours to drive there, so we planned to make a trip out of it.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 ▷ Stiles Stilinski²Where stories live. Discover now