1st January 1986 / New Jersey 

Early the next morning I was back at my dusty, crammed flat back home In New Jersey. Dumping my suitcase in the living room before heading straight into the kitchen, swinging the fridge door open to see my empty shelves. After aimlessly wandering round my flat I decide to jump in my car and get some food shopping in. Dragging my mom along with me, I was never real good with food shopping, I only eat junk food on the road. "So How long you home for?" Quizzing me while pushing the shopping cart round the store. "We'll be writing for the new album then straight back on the road as soon as it's recorded" Sighing as I trail off. "How did the tour go?" Smiling at me for a moment before throwing things in the cart. "Yeah it was great... we're a big hit in Japan" , "Then what's wrong son, I'm not stupid, I can see somethin is botherin ya" My eyes rolled like car wheels. My mom can literally see right through me, it was quite frustrating some times. "It's...... It's nothin Ma.... Honest" Caressing her arm gently. She looked at me intensely for what felt like an eternity, scanning my face "It's a girl isn't it? Is it that girl you met in London?". "How did you know it was her?" Throwing my arms up in the air with a groan. "I'm your mother Jonny.... Don't think you can hide things from me" Throwing some more food in the cart as she trails off. "Yeah it's the girl I met in London..." Figured I might as well just tell her seeing as she knows. "What's her name?" , " Rosie" Scratching my neck nervously as we dig deeper into this conversation. "You like her?" , "I really like her" Widening my eyes to show how serious I am. "So what's the problem then? She doesn't like you or somethin?" Her brows furrowing together with confusion. "No... Well I think she likes me... But she lives in England" , "Then just fly her out here for the weekend Jon.... You've got money" A quiet laugh burst from my lips, if only it were that easy. "Yeah.... I'll have to do that" Rolling my eyes with humour. We managed to get just enough food for me to last the two weeks before taking it back to my flat. She actually stayed for a little while and we just chatted and had a coffee until I drove her home, saying a quick hello to my dad and brothers before heading back home. I spent the rest of the day, jamming on my guitar and writing a few lyrics that popped in my head, then decided to eat some food, not because I was hungry but because I was bored. 

It's only 9.30 and I'm already lying in bed, staring at the space above the foot of my bed, hoping if I thought hard enough that I'd be able to conjure up an image of Rosie. I so desperately want to see her, want to feel her, if only she was here. I know Dave said they met her in January and it's only the 1st day but I was hoping she's already be here by now or maybe something has changed, maybe she's not coming. Suddenly a deafening crack of thunder whips across the sky followed by a flash of lightening. The thudding of the rain clashing against the window, sounding like someone is trying to break in. My memory instantly goes back to the night I disappeared. The monstrous storm continues, gradually getting worse until a bright light appears at the bottom of my bed. The faint sound of music echoing from the light, my ears pricking up when I recognise the voice to be Rosie's. I sit up in bed, my eyes drawn to the glowing light, desperately hoping this is it. Waiting patiently while biting my finger nails nervously. 

All of a sudden a shadowy figure emerges from the dimming light. My body is completely frozen in place, not able to move a single muscle. The shadow elicits a pained gasp and throws their hand to their head, gripping it. A minute later, they collapse to the floor, passing out causing me to sprint across the room to turn the light on. My eyes widening with shock and joy when I see Rosie lying there, naked on my floor. "Rosiee..." stumbling to her body and scrambling her into my arms. "Rosie..... Can you hear me??" My hands swiping her silky hair from her face to reveal her beautiful features. She's just as beautiful as the day I left, I'm still completely in awe of her. I gently lift her from the ground and lay her in my bed, draping the blanket over her cold, shivering naked body. An idea comes to my mind, so I belt out the room to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl of hot soapy water, a cloth and some drinking water before running back to the bedroom. Immediately I start dabbing the cloth in the bowl before swiping it carefully across her face, cleaning the dirt off then swiping it across her neck and collar bone. Her sweet sighs filling the silence as I continue to dab her face and neck, hoping it helps. After a while, I decide to leave her to sleep for a while, so I take the bowl back to the kitchen, emptying the dirty water out before giving the bowl a clean. I grab a hand towel on my way back to the bedroom, so I can dry her down seeing as she's slightly damp. Carefully, I slide the blanket down her body, leaving her exposed. Softly swiping the towel over her face and body, drying her smooth skin. 

The Music Time Machine -- Jon Bon Jovi Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now