Yorknew City - Chapter 43

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"Kurapika! Let us help you, okay?" Gon pleaded as we approached the blond and Leorio. "We're willing to do anything! Just tell us what you need!"

"But the reward was rescinded." Kurapika objected.

"I know. I still want to stop the Phantom Troupe, and I haven't changed my mind about that."

We were hoping for Kurapika to turn him down, since there was nothing the boys could do about the Troupe.

"You'd be risking your lives." He replied with concern.

We waited for his answer, hoping he would say no. "Alright, let's put together a plan."

"Okay." Gon nodded.

I rolled my eyes, never expecting him to agree with it.

"So first, we'll need someone to watch their base and provide updates." Kurapika began.

"I can do that." Killua raised a hand.

"We only want the Pakunoda woman. You can ignore everyone else." He ordered.

"Right." The silver-haired male nodded.

"Be very careful." The blond warned him.

"Don't worry. I won't push my luck." Killua gave him a reassuring grin.

"I'll also need a driver to accompany me." He added, turning to Leorio. "Can I count on you, Leorio?"

The old man spluttered and adjusted his glasses. "Y-yeah."

"It'll be fine. You'll be safe if you're with Kurapika." Killua tried to reassure him, but he grew annoyed. "Shut up! Don't make it sound like I'm terrified or something, even though I'm not!"

"And we'll find out a way to get stronger! Isn't that right, Lynn?" Lizzy turned to me.

"Yes. We have to think fast if we want to catch the murderer and kill him." I stated.

"We'll leave the murderer to you girls. He could be planning a getaway as we speak, so we'll need to act fast." Kurapika advised.

"Right." We both nodded.

"What about me?" Gon spoke up.

"Act as a decoy to draw their focus." He ordered him.

"Got it."

"Hold on! Isn't that a dangerous job for him to do? He'll have to face the Troupe members again!" Lizzy questioned his decision.

"That depends on our strategy."

"Well, what is it?" She asked with worry in her voice.

"It's plain and simple. While the enemy is busy with Gon, I'll capture Pakunoda and get away as fast as possible." He briefly explained.

"That sounds a little shaky to me." Killua remarked.

"Perhaps, but there are too many uncertainties for me to devise a concrete plan. I'll let Gon decide his strategy. I need you to hold their attention for at least half a second, or a full second if possible."

"A full second, if I can?" The spiky-haired boy repeated.


That'll be very tough for him to handle. We could try to help him, but we have our own business to do, and I don't think Lizzy and I will be able to get away once we've captured their attention.

"Gon." Kurapika called out. The said boy looked at him at the mention of his name. "You are the key to this plan. Can you handle it?"

"I'm not sure. Let me think about it."

Deep Love for You and Adventure! (Gon X OCs X Killua)Where stories live. Discover now