2 days before the ball 

Rosie's POV 

My fingers strumming over the strings of my guitar, the acoustic melody echoing through the air. I'm not particularly playing anything specific, mainly just plucking and messing around. getting completely lost up in the playing that I don't even realise that Dave is watching me "Oh Hey Dave.... Didn't see you there" Voice coming out a little breathy from the shock. "Is that your guitar?" Pointing to the black acoustic in my arms "Oh yeah... It was my dad's guitar" Smiling down at the guitar then back up to Dave. "How come you brought it with you? seems like you brought everything you own?" Furrowing his brows together in confusion. "You're gonna think I'm crazy" Shaking my head in disbelief. "Try me" Walking over to the bed and sitting down beside me. "Well ever since you called me and asked to sing at that ball... I've had this strange feeling that something is going to happen.... I just don't know what and the closer it gets to the day... The stronger that feeling gets" Clutching at my chest as the words spill from my mouth. He had a strange expression on his face which only added to my suspicions. "What do you think is gonna happen?" , "I don't know.... But this feeling is deep inside me and something told me to pack up all my shit and bring it with me.....and there's no one else I'd rather have my things than Jon" Sighing out my words. "Nothings gonna happen to you if that's what you mean Rosie" Wrapping his arm round me and giving me a tight squeeze. "No Nothing bad or anything like that.... That's not the feeling I'm getting.... More like..... Something big" Widening my eyes dramatically, using my hands to emphasise what I'm saying. There was a moment silence before we both burst out into laughter "Alright Madam Psychic.... Come down for some lunch" Patting my back with a laugh. "Hey how about we have a jam after lunch? me on piano and you on guitar?" His suggestion making me smile. "I'd love that" Nodding excitedly. 

So after lunch, we headed into Jon's studio with guitar in hand. Dave sat at the piano while I sat next to him with the guitar plugged in. I wasted no time in screaming out the lyrics into the mic to Little Richard-- Long tall Sally followed by Dave's piano and the guitar. We were blasting the roof of the building, we were having so much fun. Dave couldn't sit still on his stool while tickling the keys of the piano. On the other hand, I was dancing round the room, belting out lyrics while shredding the guitar. I opened the next song with the guitar "Take it Davey..." Shouting out for him to start singing along with Piano. " Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans.." Dave belting out the lyrics along with the piano while I play guitar. He mainly sang this song and I just danced around like a lunatic. After that we played a few more songs like Lucille-- Little Richard and The Coasters-- Yakety Yak. "Hey... Ummm seeing as we're alone... can I ask you a favour?" Biting my lip nervously "Sure... anything" Dave nodding his head with a smile, his curly locks flowing with his movements. "For the ball, Could you play piano for me while I sing..... I can play piano but I'm gonna be putting all of my emotions in the singing" , "I'd love to.... you wanna practice them now? It's always good to get some practice time in before hand" My head nodding swiftly with excitement. We started by practicing Hoobastank-- The Reason, the song Jon and I danced to. We actually breezed through it, quickly figuring out how I wanted to sing it and what to do with the piano. Lastly Bound to you-- Christina Aguilera was left to practice and this was the one I was most nervous about. "So this is the one you're pretty much baring your soul to him?" Dave quizzing me "Yeah... It's very pure and soft" Scratching the back of my neck nervously. "And I've noticed as well, when you sing you tend to close your eyes....Try not to do that on the night because part of singing a song is the emotion and selling it and if you've got you're eyes closed they're not gonna feel it" I was taking mental notes of all the advice he was giving me, he's been doing this a lot longer than me so I was all ears. He opened the song with the soft, romantic notes of the piano followed shortly by my soft, elegant vocals. 

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